"Lost Paradise" gives a good portrait of this. I would still challenge your faith in some churches. Specifically the catholic ones, don't rhey all see the Vatican as the mother ship? (I'm an ignorant to this things)
Yes, I came to the faith through the Catholic church so I can talk your ear off about that. I've come to understand reality differently than those teachings through several other churches. There is no such thing as a perfect organization of men, so any religious organization is easy to criticize (as are non-religious). One shouldn't conflate Christianity with christian organizations. Its understandable many do so when there have been official state sponsored doctrines and dogma with the force of the state. I've come to understand the difference between religion and faith. Religion is the practice of works as defined by men, where faith is the process of being purified by God and following the guidance of the Law without being under its bondage.