Every once and then I realize how far I am from some of my friends or relatives, I happily accept bitcoin payments whereas nobody I know from the "analog world" (meaning my every day relationships) is willing to even consider the possibility to hold bitcoin. I really feel like a pioneer.
My perception of Bitcoin as a day-by-day experience is also wildly different from what the other people I live close with experiment: I really see this network and technology as The effective tool in order to disrupt the sick political and social situation we are in.
I fell that the only strategy us bitcoiners have to focus on is perseverance: live your bitcoin life like it was simply the only life possible. Often discussion with friends will gravitate around the money-issue and, when that happens, simply say your honest opinion. Don't try to convince people, instead let them feel the fact that for you Bitcoin and bitcoin are part of your day just like for them are their paypal and their bank account.
By doing so, I see a slow but growing interest in the topic, sometimes one of them asks for an advice for a book or is willing to discuss the trending shitcoin scam crash (which I try to avoid, but I use it to explain how Bitcoin is different).
I'm trying to make Bitcoin a daily experience for my friends and it's working: yesterday was the "pizza day" for me. Paid a couple of beers in bitcoin (LN) to a friend that I found out had even downloaded a bitcoin wallet to explore it a bit !!!
Bitcoin is a day by day experience, give your loved ones the time to taste it and I'm sure they eventually will embrace this silent, peaceful but disruptive revolution.
Yes indeed. I been using lightsats.com to tip friends family random people and see if they are willing to download a lightning wallet and take the sats. Some bite most don’t but man the anxiety I get trying to get people see bitcoin for the power and engineering Marvel it is.
Keep it up man! If you'r a telegram user I highly suggest lightningtipbot...from time to time I spam faucets of some hundred sats in a group with friends of mine and it always triggers their curiosity!
Биткоин это инструкция. жаль что тут будет всего один ответ. и смс затеряется среди прочих...