I feel like people in the bitcoin community are some of the best people to have a conversation with. Questioning attitude, critical thinking, abstract view on life. Currently in college and it seems that most people I engage with are just going through the motions of life. It’s interesting how more aware I am or I guess some might say “awake” I am from when I was introduced to this community.
Is it just me that thinks this?
Always stay sceptical and think for yourself.
Wise words!!
No, most people who truly come to Bitcoin have had quite a journey to get here. All of us who are here now are extremely early and to stay bullish requires resolve. Bitcoin comes with a cocktail of ideology and technological predictions that are hard to swallow. Only people with intention and clear thinking arrive at Bitcoin and stay here.
edit: ngu and time will get everyone else
I completely agree with you, well said!
Getting orange pilled is a great wake-up call into flaws of the fiat system.
But I do honestly this think this is part of the cult-like behavior that leads to echo chambers which is important to resist.
I think with anything people will have extreme views and that will scare new comers off. But overall, I think the majority of bitcoiners want to orange pill others and are very welcoming.
I could also be wrong and being too optimistic. Either way, happy to be a part of this community!
I just think it's a bit weird when bitcoiners start thinking they are special or smarter than everyone else. Getting orange pilled is a matter of circumstance, timing, luck and interest. Plenty of very smart people brush it off very quickly and there are plenty of idiots who were quick to see the value in it.
Naturally i'm trying to justify being so late to the game 😋
Hmm, I understand what you're saying but hope I didn't come off as saying, "Oh bitcoiners are the smartest most out-of-the-box thinkers.."
I completely agree with your statement about how different people approach or dismiss bitcoin. I just personally think when talking to bitcoiners specifically, there tends to be a different perspective brought to the conversation and that seems to be something I can get behind.
Maybe this is all my personal preference and perspective that I'm referring to. But then again, at least we can talk about it and be like, "oh hey, that's badass or that was kind of wack."
Thanks for the thought conversation lolz!!
The Nakamoto Consensus is the most powerful invention.
It aligns all nodes and humans alike.
What you are seeing is a reflection of this. We all end up 'awake' after going through the rabbit hole.
This is an awesome way to put it!! I might use your perspective when describing this thought to others!!
No, bitcoin requires proof of work, most people settle on just the price and no deeper which is why they get caught in shitcoining but once you go deeper into bitcoin understand the technology, the trade off, the incentives, the game theory you start to question a lot of the narratives you believed before, once you find the money is broken you see all the other systems that have been broken due to the money
Bitcoin changes you for sure, and I've yet to see someone not change for the better. many of us were already searching for answers, we just never know that bitcoin would be the catalyst
This is spot on!! Completely true, so much changes when you start to dive deeper in thought!
Great perspective, couldn't have said it better!
bitcoin rulezz
Don't trust, verify
no there is something to the personality traits of bitcoiners. i remember being demonized as a senior in highschool for questioning the 9/11 stuff. that put me back a bit, glad i got out of that bullshit and again began asking critical questions.
i always tried to see situations from others point of view[put myself in their shoes] to evaluate a situation or problem.
once i became knowledgable about bitcoin, it has illuminated to me that all these publications and MSM dont know shit about the corn. they write hit pieces and ill-informed articles. if they wont even do the due diligence to be educated on a topic they are writing about, what other TOPICS are they just writing shit about
This is awesome!! Couldn't agree more!
Power to the Plebs!!
we were not raised different, we were made different
I agree that Bitcoiners are objectively the best, smartest people! :-)
This seems to have some bias behind it.. But I can get down with it!!
Some knowledge is required to escape an existing financial system that is flawed. Still, it is important to notice that bitcoin is not perfect and that it is not the solution to all problems.
I think someone did a survey of Meyers Briggs on Bitcoiners and N's were hugely overrepresented vs S's. I'm not a huge fan of the personality test stuff, but there's definitely something there about how people process information and Bitcoin attracts those that think a bit more abstractly.
That's not necessarily good or bad, but it is different.