The right to private property is the economic and ethical foundation of higher civilization. It regulates the use of scarce resources, it controls the efficient use of scarce energy, and through its allocation via free markets, it ensures that all parts of society participate when individuals seek to pursue their own interests and realize their economic plans. The short form of this highly complex process may well be called humanism.
Bitcoin is the latest offspring of this ethical school of thought of higher civilizations. And despite all resistance by cartels, monopolies and by the use of force by the state, which will defend its profiteers and parasites to the knife, the history of civilization and human evolution nevertheless teaches that the better always ultimately gets rid of the bad. However, these are slow processes and I expect that the adaptation may take decades, although it is already bearing its first blossoms, just look at the still fresh news that Brazil will use BTC as a medium of exchange in the future. Thats huuuge like a former US president would call it.
тебе стоит изучить тот факт что вновь появившиеся, не смогут получить эту монету просто так. им потребуется докозательства работы. как ты предлогаешь решить этот вопрос? что если появиться новый Альберт Эйнштейн?