At this point, it'll take a lot of tips given it's almost been a day.
10 sats = 1 vote, 100 sats = 2 votes, 1000 = 3 votes, 10000 = 4 votes, 100000 = 5 votes, and so on.
But these votes are weighted by your trust, which is dependent on your past voting behavior. If you aren't normally upvoting good stuff, you probably have low trust and it'll be reflected in your ability to influence ranking.
If you want this to be on the front page and have low trust, I'd repost it with ~20-50k boost (it's in post options ... and basically makes it a promotion). The more you boost in post options, the longer it'll rank high.
Thank you, sir, for explanation. I appreciate it.
@niftynei please repost, you have the funds
@niftynei Or if you send those sats back to me, we can do a washing machineā€¦ I send there and you send here, the votes just add up.
FYI we take a 10% cut of tips, but curious how well it ends up working.