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243 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 30 Nov 2022 \ on: What are you working on? bitcoin
- beefing up user analytics
- adding optional turbo tipping setting that when enabled makes each bolt click 10x your last
I have a few changes already done locally too:
- job board stuff
- option to remove yourself for top users (ie rich list)
I was also going to add a page for donating to the daily rewards pot, but might not get to it by Friday. We'll see.
how will turbo tipping relate to the various bolt colors? Can you link an explanation of how the color coding currently works?
Seems like this is the function: https://github.com/stackernews/stacker.news/blob/master/components/upvote.js#L15
and here are the colors defined:
But I don't get what this
is.Also, I am surprised that it seems that the color changes for every tip? I thought there are threshold where it flips to the next color. But doesn't seem to be the case:
$ python
Python 3.10.8 (main, Nov 1 2022, 14:18:21) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import math
>>> math.floor(math.log(1) / math.log(10000) * 734)
>>> math.floor(math.log(11) / math.log(10000) * 734)
>>> math.floor(math.log(12) / math.log(10000) * 734)
>>> math.floor(math.log(13) / math.log(10000) * 734)
>>> math.floor(math.log(14) / math.log(10000) * 734)
I am surprised that it seems that the color changes for every tip
It's a gradient so it's a pretty subtle change.
But I don't get what this var(--secondary) is.
It's the css variable for bitcoin orange.
Ah, I used 1 as my default tip now and could see the subtle gradient change now :) Cool, thanks!
It currently follows the rainbow through a gradient on a log 10 scale roughly, where 10000 sats tipped is the highest, ie purple.
<= 10 sats = orange
100 sats = green
1000 sats = blue
10000 sats = purple
I'm not sure how we'll have turbo tipping affect colors. Perhaps each click on turbo tipping will follow the rainbow too, regardless of your default tip. I still also need to figure out how it overlaps with press-and-hold custom tips.
Open to feedback if you have a preference.