I bought Bitcoin when it was magic internet money I bought when all about me called it Ponzi And bought when the bankers told me that criminals used it to launder money
I bought in 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2022 and I never stopped buying I bought the dip And bought the dip when it dipped again, and again
I bought the fear I bought the panic I made a market with conviction, I wasn't sporadic
I bought when there was blood in the streets I bought when the blood was my own, I doubled down when the blood was my own
I bought when Barclays, HSBC and Santander tried to stop me, If you try to stop me you, I’ll borrow and I’ll buy the top

You see, I won’t stop HODLing, because HODLing is my lot How can you not HODL, when you know what you’ve got
I bought Bitcoin when it was magic internet money I bought when all about me said it was a Ponzi And bought when the bankers told me that criminals used it to launder their fait currency
I bought in 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2022 and I never stopped buying I bought the dip And bought the dip when it dipped again, and again
I survived Mt. Gox, Bit Connect, One Coin and Qaudriga ACX, Fcoin and Blockchain Global Don’t ever trust anything that’s global I survived Celsius, Babel, Three Arrows, Voyager, Hodlnaut, Genesis and FTX because of my sovereignty
I bought the fear I bought the panic I made a market with conviction, I wasn't sporadic
I bought when there was blood in the streets I bought when the blood was my own, I doubled down when the blood was my own
I bought when all the banks tried to stop me, I simply borrowed more fiat currency, I'm now building an ark, because the flood is coming, I’ll be ready, because I’ve been HODL’ing
I’ll keep HODL’ing and I wont stop If you try to stop me you, I’ll buy the top You see, I won’t stop HODLing, because HODLing is my lot How can you not HODL, when you know what you’ve got