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3 sats \ 0 replies \ @icecakes 1 Sep 2024 \ parent \ on: DarkFi is an anonymous L1 based on zero-knowledge, multi-party and encryption privacy
don't think they have a token ...yet. seems to be more along the lines of infrastructure development. heavy emphasis on ZK proofs, sorry it's over my head.
paper wallets as a concept are excellent for cold storage.
using seed phrases, we have come a long way.
use a reputable app to generate the wallet, offline of course, and etch the seed into a butter knife or something rather than paper. Finally make sure you can restore the wallet from the seed before you transfer significant amounts to it.
set up a watch-only wallet app to get receiving addresses.
don't transfer paltry amounts to your cold storage. 1m sats or greater per transaction
its really easy to make this mistake when you're brand new and have not studied any of it. Hopefully this can make people aware of some of the risks.
thank you!
have a look at the handwritten note and imagine a list of all the possible combinations you can build by attempting every alphabet the unclear handwritten one could possibly be . For example, do you think the fourth letter could be one of 2zZ7 ? So you have 4 different keys to attempt based on that letter alone. The number of possible keys quickly balloons to many thousands.
There are endless ways to derive entropy from existing hash algos.
for example you can do sha256("weak password 4")
this gives you
You can split that output at the 7th digit. easy to remember because you have had 7 broken bones.
b4424dd< - >47712534183a59c2bf448ef713ac976af320f1a14180e76b44a85e9d1
you can swap the parts
47712534183a59c2bf448ef713ac976af320f1a14180e76b44a85e9d1 < b4424dd
Too simple. but in order to test every common weak password, now takes 64x as long. What if you split that hash into groups of 3, and assemble them differently? What if you take half of them and produce another hash?
What if you used sha512?
With a few simple methods like these, part of your algo is secret, so an attacker can never attack it on account of having weak seed entropy such as a short password.
Take notes and practice recovering the output from time to time.
It likely improves security across the broader ecosystem for there to exist many hundreds of different seed derivation schemes.
What will save this and many other schemes from brute force adventurism, is the fact that once you use this to generate the master private/public key pair > individual key pairs > address hashes, there is no way to tell how the seed was derived.
So unless you go announcing it on the web, (too late for you) brute force attacks have to come through the hash-wall, and derive a private signing key from a matching public key.
This is not publicly know to be possible. Social engineering is where it's at: do not post on Facebook that each of your family members is memorizing 3 words for you.
Hey, can you tell whether one is able to send sats from multiple lightning channels to satisfy an order; or does it need to be a single transaction?