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0 sats \ 1 reply \ @fishious 7 Mar \ parent \ on: AMA with Dr Ken Berry HealthAndFitness
What if it's just from eating meat only? Is it because the meat is poor quality? Or too fatty?
This may sound like a silly question, but I'm genuinely curious. If eating a lot of meat and dairy makes you very gassy and it smells bad, what is that a sign of? Is it just genetic?
To put it bluntly, it has to be the mom, because children (0-3 yrs old) seek the mom. It's just innate instinct for babies to cling to the mom, and that's not going to change. Maybe the dad can switch places once they are more grown up, but by then the dad has most likely advanced in their career to the point where it wouldn't make sense financially.
Wow. That's very impressive. I'm trying out different foods for fuel during my run, but I don't think I could do no water. Is that something you trained for or your body just doesn't really need it?
Lol yea. Way too high. I put too much weight on his denver performance, because he still looks rusty.
Calvin's Dad from Calvin and Hobbes. I enjoy the outdoors and grumble about the mundanities of everyday life.
Maybe bitcoiners themselves need to become merchants and create businesses that cater to people who pay in bitcoin rather than trying to persuade existing merchants.
Not a dev, but IMHO stress testing custodial wallets just leads to their demise more quickly and shows how custodial is not meant for mass usage. And from a user's perspective, jumping from one custodial app to another gets really annoying. Devs should just focus on building self-custodial solutions like AlbyHub or at least build apps that gradually upgrade a user from custodial to self-custodial.
Custodial solutions has its place for specific use cases like initial onboarding of merchants, which Coinos was perfect for, but it should have stayed small and local. It would be a shame if non-merchant users degrade the service to the point where it becomes unusable to actual merchants.
In Mary Roach's Packing for Mars, she writes about NASA doing research and performing tests on how long someone can go without a shower. The test subjects described the first couple days without showering to be the most uncomfortable, but after getting past the initial discomfort, they were able to adjust and didn't feel strong inclinations to shower anymore. When our body is replenishing the natural oils on recently cleaned skin, that's when we feel most icky, but once it achieves a balanced state, we feel less gross if that makes sense.
Blocking DNS queries to social media and distracting sites is next level. Do you read physical books only then? Or do you consider reading on a kindle not part of screen time?
Is this a new blog? I really like his thoughts and perspective in this post, so looking forward to more in the future.
I highly recommend you listen to this podcast episode about Anom (https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/146/). Anom was an encrypted phone with a backdoored e2ee messager app that was created and maintained by the FBI and sold specifically to criminals. These phones and messaging app were used to facilitate drug business operations and coordinate murders. I think it will challenge your views about these matters.
Good point showing how this manifests in other fields. Cal seems to think this tradeoff is not as lopsided on newer platforms where creators can have a much closer engagement with their audience.
On certain newer media platforms, however, Furze seems like an archetype rather than an exception. E-mail newsletter writers, podcasters, TikTok influencers, and OnlyFans stars follow similar principles to carve out a good living without the need for endless growth and investment. The fact that these formats rely on the Internet is not coincidental. A key element of their success—their ability to support an intimate connection between creators and a dedicated audience—may be inherently easier to achieve online.