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While I was reading your post I couldn't help but think that this dilemma applies more when giving gifts to people with whom there is no strong bond or trust, for example an exchange gift for a coworker at the office. With respect to family, in my opinion it is different, I am happy with whatever they give me because I know that they do it with love. My daughter is learning to manage money, those basic things of spending, doing the math, saving and earning money, she has some money saved so this year she said she wanted to buy gifts for my husband and me, but in her eagerness to just spend the money, she wanted to buy random things, I told her that money cannot be spent on unnecessary things, it must be given a more important use, I gave her several gift options that she could give to my husband (they are things that he really wants) and she chose and made a purchase, now she also asked me for a list of things that I would like, it seemed a bit funny, but I told her, I have no idea what she is going to buy me. That is the reason why she gave me a list of gift options, she is also in for a surprise because she doesn't know which of all those options will be her gift. That idea came to me because that's what we do with "Santa Clous" every year he writes a letter with a list of things he would like and Santa Clous will choose which of those gift options he will leave under the tree, lol I have also told her that Santa Clous sometimes doesn't bring you something you want, but something you need, something that maybe wasn't on the list, the first time I told her that she looked confused, I explained it with an example from my childhood, I had asked for a Barbie (I had many of them) so Santa Clous brought me board games to share with my family... She was amazed after I explained it to her.
My daughter (7 years old) gave me 3 options of possible gifts that she would like:
1- Furby
2- A wallet (for girls)
3- Money
I find this song disturbing, don't you? How scary is that, a man who watches you and follows you everywhere, what's so Christmassy about that?
It's ridiculous when there are people from X countries in America who believe themselves superior to other countries in America. We are all the same thing.
In fact, he has been making questionable decisions since before Chavez, but Chavez was the straw that broke the camel's back and those who suffer the consequences are the following generations.
Yes, for that reason in Mexico the word "whitexican" is used to refer to them, but in reality it is done in a derogatory way. This contempt is given not only because of the skin and eye tones, but also because they in turn marginalize and minimize other Mexicans. It is a vicious circle in which they fall, both "sides" criticize and mock each other, for the way they behave and speak.
It was the worst natural disaster in the country. Listening to the testimonies is even worse, they are horrible stories, it is terrifying just to imagine what those people went through. May their souls rest in peace 🙏
Exactly, but if they are single mothers they are forced to leave their children in the care of another person in order to work. What I find funny is how women are pigeonholed into just raising children and staying at home cooking. If they do it differently then it means they have "maternal detachment."
"Epidemic of maternal detachment" sounds sensationalist to me. How strange that they didn't take the time to interview mothers who work full time and hear their points of view and experiences. No matter what a mother does, there is always someone pointing one way or another. If a woman decides to work, it means she has "no maternal attachment" and if she decides to stay home raising her children, she is labeled as a kept woman or lazy.
It is true that today's society has allowed women to perform in the work and academic fields (one of the few good things about feminism), a woman is not only a baby-making machine. Now women who want to have children sometimes do not have the fortune of being able to stay at home exclusively raising them. With the economic crisis, women are basically forced to leave home and not be able to perform their maternal role as they wish. Many women who leave their children in daycare or with nannies feel guilty almost daily for not being able to spend more time with them. To further feed the maternal guilt that is already quite large, someone comes along and writes something like this. Being a mother is more exhausting than going to work, that is very true, but a mother will always, always prefer to be with her children, but the current system has that flaw that separates mothers from their children.
You got it right! That image that they sell you on social media of everything being "fine." I recently made a post about the crisis that Margarita is experiencing, it is a beautiful and paradisiacal island, the "influencers" only sell you that it is beautiful, that it is a perfect place, they say it is their favorite place, but when the island needs help they are not there, when the island is in crisis they turn their backs on it and continue talking and describing Margarita as if it were at the same level as Dubai.
I like that point of view, it's possible that that's one of the reasons. It's like trying to create an alternate reality where everything is "okay."