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110 sats \ 1 reply \ @Tribyu 11 Feb \ parent \ on: Satlantis is now Tribyu gaming
After registering you can start playing on our game platform which includes CS2 and Luanti(like an open source Minecraft).
We currently don’t have an automated way to change usernames/email/etc.
This was honestly more of a soft launch that @ek was so kind to promote(ruin).
Jk love you EK😄
You can play on Mac or Linux! While our client is currently optimized for Windows, the open source game engine we use supports Mac/Linux/Android. FOSS for the win!
You can download those clients at https://github.com/luanti-org/luanti/releases/tag/5.9.0
And join the game with:
Server IP: play.tribyu.com
Port: 40000
See you in-game!
We're considering it, but one of the maintainers of minetest plays on Satlantis and he doesn't feel its production ready for what we're trying to do
Forwarding the announcement post from our discord:
Satlantis Community,
First of all I want to thank you all for playing and supporting Satlantis for nearly a year now.
Mojang, the developers of Minecraft, have contacted us stating that we must remove the play-to-earn functionality from the server.
What does this mean for the future of Satlantis?
This sucks. There’s no getting around that. But,
“The Game That Shares its Profits with Players” works. And it works well. All of the time, money, and energy that we put into this game together will not be forsaken by a few dinosaurs at some conglomerate. We will be porting the Satlantis community to a platform that encourages innovation, instead of stifling it. We are currently exploring platform options and I will keep you all updated in regards to that.
What does this mean for you, the player?
We will continue to do right by the players that make this all possible. All of your sats in-game will be honored. Please submit your withdrawals and I will work through the weekend to ensure they are processed. All of your ASICs will be ported to the new platform, as well the prize pool, your premium battlepass status and all other progress and data that is possible to transfer.
The minecraft server itself will continue running(without any pay-to-earn functionality) for the foreseeable future. This is to ensure the transition to our next game platform is as smooth as possible and allow you all to continue enjoying the great world you’ve built.
Stay tuned to our discord for further updates.
Yes, definitely!
I'd say the majority of our players had never sent a lightning transaction before playing. And I know many who had zero bitcoin experience at all before joining the server.
And now they teach others how to use lightning :)
The revenue from our advertisers seeds the prize pool, sort of like the block subsidy.
Then we split all the revenue the game generates from purchases like the battlepass and include that in the prize pool as well
The commodity trader is a new way to earn emeralds and will rotate to trade for different items over time
Java edition.
You can get it here: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft-java-bedrock-edition-pc
Java edition only at the moment. Though some users have found work arounds to play the java version on mobile devices. If the tablet is android based it is possible to play