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292 sats \ 2 replies \ @Ribbit 30 Apr 2024 \ on: Bitcoin and Privacy bitcoin_beginners
The switch has nothing to do with privacy.
Privacy on LN is not guaranteed or practical. The self-custodial wallets are very user unfriendly and require ~100k sats to even begin using and with all sorts of ip address holes and coordination risk from nodes to adversarial LSP's. Not the scaling panacea we were sold.
I include the browser extensions we will now have to rely on, in the critique, that add yet another party of trust in addition to the wallet, VPN provider (or tor) hardware security, best practices ect ect, all of which best practices need to be constantly updated and maintained.
No other currency system requires you to have money first before receiving funds, and privacy by default solutions are out there. It's silly
If there was a viable privacy option for Lightning right now SN would just deploy that.
This is not a privacy switch but a liability switch to no longer potentially be considered a "money transmitter".
The switch is to remove SN from the legal gun sights of various government agencies in the district that SN is registered as a business in and where it's servers are located, the united states.
Imagine you are new to Bitcoin and SN, the added burden of using on of the mostly custodial lightning wallets, extensions that need your trust in knowing your email or seed or god forbid setting up your own LN server and providing it liquidity, all before being able to post or zap.
This is the choice of slow death, instead of throwing yourself into the fight alongside other Bitcoin Initiatives. The whole point of bitcoin in the first place. What we see is just a bunch of pussies complying.
@k00b did anything ever come of that idea to share or direct zaps to news sites ?
That roadmap is absolutely captured by Liquid.
I liked everything up to the later transition goals.
No one uses liquid. No one wants liquid. But your team is no doubt close to the technical brain thrust behind it or funded by people that want Liquid to happen.
it's not going to happen.
Skip all those steps and just prioritize Monero swaps.
Like lightning, liquid is over designed and worse, a mishmash of acronyms with unclear objectives (all with third party risk and legal liability) a branding crisis if you will.
Imagine being a new user that wants to send money to someone in another country or even in the same country.
All the pain points for getting from fiat to btc, to lightning/liquid, finaly to that person in a private, secure way, are far above basic Monero use.
Wallet security, lightning and bitcoin node self custody, now add whatever liquid is trying to do with its litany of projects.
Each point along this is a learning curve with diminishing returns on sending a few dollars to cover last sundays brunch with friends, or pay for a house.
Liquid has designed itself into a pocket universe no one wants to live in, and others are doing it better.
That being said, Kudos to you and the team on delivering Bisq V2, having a functioning DOA and inheritance process, i will test and hope its an improvement on the slow mess of V1. We all benefit from your success in this space.
why don't you accept bitcoin ?
based on your payment methods page you only accept wire/cheques/other legacy kyc stuff
In April 2022, a report from MIT Technology Review cited those from the community who accused Worldcoin of "taking advantage of students" and "targeting lower-income communities", and came to the conclusion that "it's just cheaper and easier to run this kind of data collection operation in places where people have little money and few legal protections."[4]
Plenty of signs way before his tweet about open a.i
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Ribbit 11 Nov 2023 \ parent \ on: What kind of films do you want to see? meta
-be Indian movie
-Movie is about killing pedophiles
Bollywood dancing
-movie about a cancer patients last wishes to his family
Bollywood dancing
-movie about installing a toilet on the moon
Bollywood dancing.
Screenwriter here aswell. I'm not sure there's a market for this or that your story will get picked up based on this , but what I'm exploring are non traditional themes and narrative structure.
We are inundated with a few recycled narratives I am very bored of. Stories that explore the drama's of the elite (Monarchist or Fiat Financial elites) and the structures that support them. All couched in what I call American Standard Script dialogue (ASSologue). You know, the predictable hype of English culture, the "Oh my gawd Tiffany!" that pervades our short attention spans and makes other cultures look at us like we are all weird t.v characters.
It gets to the point where I can't bare to watch another American production, it's so predictable. So i branch out into French, Scandinavian or Korean for relief. Soviet era sci-fi is particularly good at burning past the malaise of junk American storytelling and then i round it out with the classic black and whites, Italian if i'm feeling really depressed about the state of the field.
So what i want to see, and i'm giving a bit of my pet project away here i hope you appreciate, is a new form. A bitcoin culture set. A sovereign individual aesthetic. How this new art movement would materialize is important. From buildings to clothes. It's cypher-punk, yes but also boundless from the constraints of white silicon valley. It's Libre and Opensource, but it pays the bills, privately. International without the WHO or IMF .
In this aesthetic, violence is seen the way a class taboo is seen in typical story telling. (Like a Janitor offering his opinion to a room of mathematicians.)
Every story we tell now relies on police and state violence. Something bad happens in a modern day setting to the protag ? It's moments before the police are called. We even think it in our minds, Where are the police ? It's so thick and pervasive it informs our view of natural science and sociology, with no easy to conceive alternatives. We literally are not able to think outside of violence, so all our stories are about it in some way. Look at video games, the most successful are some variation of warrior activity. Even our best Utopia's cannot drive a story or be interesting without centering around violence, its use and administration.
Example: You start a scene in middle class America, It's a coming of age story. Formulaic. The protag is rising above challenges.They come up against existing authority figures who only want the best for them. Their love interest cautions them against being too
"out there". blah blah blah. fuck. reproduce, fight, fuck, reproduce over and over the same story in different styles.
NO !
There is no age in the network. Instead: a furry or anime avatar goes through real life trying to flip hamburgers while people are shooting eachother point blank in the face around them. The avatar, in color, is somehow a locus of calm and stability, an almost boring character, we care about because the story is driven by the margins. The blurry out of focus is where the action is actually happening, and somehow builds sympathy for the protag. This has not been done before but it describes the incongruity and paradox of modern life. We saw in real time 10 thousand people die in a month.
Gaspar NoƩ and Jodorowsky meet prescription lithium.
Tldr; less elite knob gobbling and drama about elite problems and concerns. Probably doomed, as middle class writers want to be elites and elites want middle classes to write about them. Even stories about revolution against the elites are boring now. There are no stories about just opting-out.
I think i would call it something like Voluntarist storytelling. Not historical analysis or philosophical lectures. Not even speculative world building, which is an entirely dead genre. More like Exploration of alternatives to stories we tell ourselves about ourselves.
But most important. We must break or go back to limited copyright. The original limits. Our long lives and litigious culture is killing us.
Anyways, i have a lot to say about this, but that should suffice.
He just posted a picture holding a gun and funny caption. So things are looking up.
We need to protect this man, which is why i mention it.
Things are getting weird.
I have also never seen Andrew Tate in person, but i know he is surrounded by 3 to 4 burly slavs and his brother at any given time, Tate is also a weapon himself .
From what i have seen in several videos, Max has huge gaps in his personal safety procedure or communication of his procedures as part of his "Brand". The way banks and countries have them.
Put another way: Max is several orders of magnitude richer than Tate, with an inverse level of security presence.
Unless you are suggesting he has retained a team of Jamaican sprinting champion ninja's that manage to always stay behind the camera at conferences, interviews, public photo ops, this is obvious.
A huge error for instance was the Alex Jones quiz. If you can tell me this doesn't make him a target for people he was not a target for before, you are terribly innocent.
As long as the equilibrium of true stickers is enough to dissuade thieves, it might be short sighted to think of false stickers as free loaders in the classical game theory and political economy sense of parasites. It's more akin to free advertising. Like fake Luis Vuitton, the balance is in prosecuting enough fakes and leaving enough to advertise they
Ultimately A bitcoin community, or Network State as Balaji likes to call it, with passports, land rights and political representation is the solution.
So on one hand, El Salvador IS Max's security mechanism, an entire country with emergent security, on the other this security is not part of his personal signal but definitely his message as lately he is saying there will be line ups at airports heading there.
The sovereign individual book, predicted countries catering to digital asset holders.
Looking at Lopp's list makes me think that one day, advertising ones security measures as part of ones brand, the way Andrew Tate does, will be part of "being sovereign" and "being your own bank" . Both banks and sovereigns have done both throughout history to dissuade thieves.