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6 sats \ 0 replies \ @Jel 18 Jan 2023 \ on: FaerieAI: ChatGPT x Lightning Payments bitcoin
Wy Google login instead of LNURL-auth?
Just to check if I get this right. Let’s say that I’m long on Bitcoin (A). I open a position by placing a limit order in the orderbook. Then person (B) fulfils this order and takes a sort position.
Bitcoin goes to the Moon and the position of person (B) need to be liquidated. In the orderbook there is no liquidity to take over his position. So auto deleveraging kicks in and will kill my (A) position as well. I will get the available margin form B and, if possible/needed, funds from the insurance fund.
I assume that this auto deleveraging system will prevent that I will make any lose up to that moment. After the auto deleveraging I have no position anymore. So, from that moment I have no position to profit form any further increase.
Hopefully, I understand that well. I understand that this would be an exceedingly rare event.
What happen in the event that the there is not enough liquidity in the orderbook to find some one to take over a forced liquidated position? I assume that there always need to be two parties (who ‘betting’ against each other) for every position. So is there a possibility that a position is not backed by a other party because of a dried up orderbook? For example, if the market collapse or a big internet malfunction take place.
Good that the development is taken over. I asume that there is no option to move your channels and balance form SBW to OBW?
Below te link to the Google play store. I didn't see any link on the Github page. But this should be the right link.
Very cool project! It would be nice if there was an API where you could send the hase to. So that it become easier to use different script languages.
I think encouraging upvoting is a good thing. It helps to moderate the content on SN and supports the ecosystem behind SN.
I do not know if it is a good thing to make a split between posts and comments. Is not posting too much encouraged now because 1/3 is reserved for that? Obviously, there will be more comments than posts, so the rewards on posts will be much higher. Isn't there a risk that their will be too many nonsensical posts for the same topics?
It is great that this model is through so well. There is much more intelligence behind SN than the UI suggests.
What can you tell us about plastics recycling? Or what should we know about it?
From what I know it is hard do get this right. Difficult to separate properly and a lot of bad trade.
“also serve as the backbone of the Internet itself through mesh networking”
What kind of mesh networking functionalities can be expected?
I think mesh networking could mean a lot to freedom of people. In countries where the internet is censored or of bad quality. But also in places where big companies rule the internet. I suspect that open standards and appropriate hardware are the first step. What do you think?
57 sats \ 2 replies \ @Jel 30 Jun 2022 \ parent \ on: I am Bernard Parah, CEO of Bitnob, AMA! bitcoin
I think the current NFC cards still needs a lot of improvement. Especially in the field of authorisation. At this moment there is no way to check/approve the amount that will be deducted from the card. I think if a solution is found for this, it can go fast with the adoption.
What is needed to connect Lightning to USSD. Is this something telecom providers need to support? Or is this something that (for example) Bitnob can build?
Wouldn't it be nicer if there was a Mash network available for Lightning payments? I thought that goTenna and Blockstream (https://txtenna.com) are working on this. But than you first need to invest a little bit in hardware before you can use it.
Or maybe even USD/EUR payments routed over the Lightning network. So people not even know they are using lightning.
What kind solutions/improvements need to be developed for lightning to make it usable in areas with a bad internet infrastructure? Where should the focus be, the costumer of the merchant?
Things that are in development are LNURL NFC payment cards and a offline POS terminals. Are this developments in the right direction, or do you think there are important specs that are not being taking in to account at this moment?
Will this be a channel that you can have next to other LN channels? So that you can also have a ‘hot’ LN channel to receive payments and make small transactions.
Are this ‘send-only’ channels meant to be build in to existing LN clients or will this require a special app?
Lightning has in my opinion a better user experience then on chain payments. In most cases the fee is lower and the payments are almost instant settled. One of the downsides of lightning, a specially compered to on chain, is the security.
Do you think the security of lightning will increase to a level where it will become more common to also use lightning for storage? Or even to use lightning to make some profit form stored bitcoin (stored in channels) in a safe way?
Are you working on security products for lightning?
You can use the Telegram bot Lntxbot. They give you a static page (https://lntxbot.com/@[telegram-username]) to receivepayments. And it is also very easy to receive payments via Telegram. Users can tip you in a groups chat or you can even ask for a fee to access a groups chat you own.
You could olso use your SN LN adres (buddylasta@stacker.news) to receive payments.
Wat is the businessmodel of Amboss? Will this be mainly ads and a commissions on channel sales. Or do you also look at a subscription model or something like that?
@fiatjaf is working on nostr, a alternative for Twitter. At this moment this is, so far as I know, only for public messaging. But maby this setup can also be used for private massages.
Do you think this can be a alternative for Matrix? The benefit is that your account is not connected to a thirty party domain name.
Stablecoins on lightning a do or a don't? Will it move forward adoption? Or do we need to keep it bitcoin only?