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13 sats \ 1 reply \ @BeefCurtin 21 Jun 2022 \ on: RGB is being released this month 🤯 bitcoin
Devs consistently have the worst ability to market things. Took me a while to figure out RGB is some sort of smart contracts layer for Bitcoin.
I fucking love licorice. Guess I got lucky with good tastebros. I wonder what it tastes like for people that hate it, because as I understand they are picking up completely different tastes from me.
God damn!!
Have some ascii porn. Good luck!
I think its safe to say almost everyone on any platform with a loan is getting collateral called right now. A lot of these loan services didn't even exist at price points lower than 25k. Most came online within the past 2 years. I have a loan that is going to get called soon but its not a big loan vs my holdings. I think the silver lining is even when it gets liquidated I can buy it back over a short span of time. I don't think we'll see a price recovery soon unless an event happens that decouples Bitcoins price. That said after reading around it appears the on-chain metrics disagree. As Clemente says you have to ask yourself: "Is this time different?"
Never risk more than you're willing to lose! I am not going to be hurt by getting the collateral I have posted liquidated but I am seeing so many stories of people losing everything and that's frightening. The current sentiment I am seeing across the board is extreme panic and I have not seen panic like this ever in Bitcoin.
I think considering loan platforms are blowing up or showing signs of collapsing, it is not a good idea to post more collateral. Way better to just be liquidated if you are confident you can buy it back within the next few months.
I think adoption can happen independent of global reserve adoption, and may be the best route. There are some predictions placing the adoption S curve to exponentially grow somewhere between now and 2030 which isn't too far. If this can happen independent of becoming a global reserve currency, then I believe America could transition from dollars to Bitcoin as the main currency of the country in parallel to mass adoption. It would be like two trains running next to each other, except one train track has bad tracks ahead and will derail but you cant stop either train and need to off board passengers to the safe train.
This would be about the smoothest transition I can think of, and while Bitcoin cannot be controlled, world powers could recognize it is the global reserve currency of the world largely dominated by America due to leading the way through mining and sovereign holdings which means America keeps its status as not just A global super power, but THE global super power.
This is also excluding we don't go down the path of CBDC's which while it is not great for privacy, in a lot of ways it would actually still be an improvement over the current fiat system.
Unlike most Bitcoiners, I don't want to see the dollar knocked out as a global reserve currency, because holy FUCK that would be bad for the average American. But since that will most likely happen anyways, I really hope the government wises up and adopts Bitcoin in a way that leads the world in both mining capacity as well as holding Bitcoin in sovereign reserves to maintain itself as a dominating world power.
I think it will just depend on what happens with the current regulations that are being proposed. It does feel like the government is slowly becoming more pro Bitcoin over time and we have made amazing progress from even 4 years ago.
13 sats \ 0 replies \ @BeefCurtin 17 Jun 2022 \ parent \ on: Should Brave switch to Bitcoin? bitcoin
Same. I would rather support Firefox even though they recently came out against PoW. Despite their opinion, I believe browser engine diversity is important and I don't want to see chromium/google have more control over the market than they already do. That is too strong of a centralizing force.
Tragic Mozilla's going to kill their browser because of stupid management decisions.
Yeah its very interesting, and is maybe why you see more of a conservative leaning when it comes to Bitcoin. The system itself can be apolitical but the ideas of the system and what they stand for may not be. It is up to the individual to agree or disagree with that part and understand the demographic those types of things will target and attract.
For clarity I wasn't trying to imply you're a toddler, just that in general I have been in Bitcoin so long this is kind of the revelation I have had about the political discourse that takes place on the internet. I think social media encourages it because its the easiest low effort way to drum up engagement, so maybe to no fault of any particular individual.
His interests never changed. I am not sure why anyone would take what he says to heart with his past at BitMEX.
Elon never said Bitcoin and Bitcoin Magazine is being misleading as usual. Source, since Bitcoin Magazine can't be bothered: https://www.vox.com/recode/23171541/leaked-transcript-inside-elon-musks-first-meeting-with-twitter-employees
Bitcoin is one of the most financially conservative ideas to ever exist. I think that while Bitcoin itself is apolitical, the monetary policy is an appealing thing to anyone who is financially conservative. It just so happens the cohort of financial conservatism and social conservatism tend to be the same, which makes sense.
One of the beautiful things about Bitcoin is that it exposes the government and politics for what they are, and the deeper you dive the more you become fed up with both leanings.
The worst part is all the finger pointing where either side just kind of gives up because "the other side" is preventing them. Then you see stark split the way politicians vote on issues where you can see people on the left vote one way, people on the right another. Not because anyone believes in their stance on the issue itself but because everyone would rather do that than vote on something that might be perceived as "helping" the other side. We aren't even voting on issues we believe in, we're picking and cheering our teams like its a football game.
The icing on the cake is we insist on being childish and name calling as mainstream political discourse. We can't even call our presidents by their name any more. Its either Sleepy Joe this or Agent Orange that. I cannot take any of this political discourse serious when we're all acting like toddlers, and everyone hopes we'll somehow fix this? Everyone has lost their god damn minds.
My advice is just ignore social media entirely. For Bitcoin, most of the conversation takes place on Twitter but you're just better off finding people you want to follow, logging out, and bookmarking their profile to view whenever you feel like. It is a tremendous help in tuning out the noise. If you want to have a conversation with someone with contrasting views to yours, take it offline and do it in person. People are much more reasonable as long as everyone stays level headed. Have conversations, NOT debates. The internet strongly incentivizes debates and that sometimes leaks over into the real world. This is an important rule to remember. Leave the debates to these crusty ass pandering politicians who need votes from whatever audience still believes they give a flying fuck about them.
If someone you follow says some cringe shit that you don't like, you can unfollow them and get your information from someone else. It does not make you fragile or a snowflake or intolerant or whatever. Anyone saying this has made politics their entire identity because they are bankrupt on personality. You won't really miss out on any important or critical info but you will filter out completely unnecessary political noise. If anyone has a problem with how you prefer to navigate the internet and social media, they can suck the whole of your dick and fuck right off.
This is comical. A shitcoin degen couldn't identify that 3AC was also a degen. 3AC deserves to get rekt for being so risky in an already risky shitcoin market, and this guy deserves to get ghosted for being so stupid as to trust another person in a space rife with scammers and disingenuous people. Truly a story where there are no heros and no winners.
Not only has this downturn been a great release of financial capital into strong hands, but the positive of shitcoin companies laying off employees is it means there is also a release of human capital that could potentially flow into strong, more ethical bitcoin only companies. Fantastic opportunity for companies like Strike.
This is how you drain shitcoins of resources.
Yup! Both Microsoft and Gmail accounts will allow you to authenticate via a USB security key, which works with the Fido U2F app on my Ledger.
With Microsoft you only need to type your email and select "Sign in with USB key". With Gmail its not really a "primary" auth method but once you set up the security key in your Gmail account you can trigger it by clicking "Forgot your password", so you can either use it if you forget your password or as 2FA.
Surprisingly, Protonmail does not support this.
Really cool stuff, though.
Would be cool to see additional auth methods in the future. For example, Fido U2F would allow for authentication via any Bitcoin hardware wallet that supports it, such as Ledger.
A+ improvements overall.
Sus as fuck bro https://stacker.news/stackernews
Shoutouts to Nitter. I don't have a Twitter account so Nitter makes its very easy to just bookmark profiles of people I want to follow without having to sign up.