pull down to refresh
This is probably the best diagram explaining HTLCs I found https://ellemouton.com/posts/htlc-deep-dive/#all-together-now
anyone interested in building a learning project together? We could start to create those guides. I'm not so experienced in the javascript stuff ... most of the time I struggle more with configuring and integrating things, not with the lighting related stuff.
liked this one a lot ... made a little video about how to get it running https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE3OK3oqDc4 and another one how to extend it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSZcjoyI_9c
haha ok keep your tilde... if it's just a few selected special chars that's easy - but I have seen terrible stuff in the past in some projects... so that's the standard recommendation.
1.3) It's not really a high prio task.
In general all the ideas are just written down while randomly checking stacker.news...
1.1) + 1.4) and in general things to reduce "not really relevant URLs from search engine user's perspective are good ones to start with. 1.7) too
And maybe as a first step to become more news like offer not just "link" and "discussion" but also "article" with maybe min. 200 words. title. description. image, ... (need to look up in detail what's needed)