pull down to refresh
as Willian, mother-fucking Shakespeare once said in Hamlet
Neither a zapper nor spender be;
For sats once zapped are lost with glee,
And spending dulls the edge of stacking thee
i do, but only becuase i like a quick and easy way to time my rest in between sets in the gym
i quite like it for pulse monitoring as well as i can see my pulse increase by 10 bps when i have a cold coming.
it has sleep tracking but i only use that as a very rough measure to know how many hours i got, i don't want to get weird and obsessive about it
it's handy , i also use the timer on it if i have a nap for example
i already play guitar , but would spend my magical skill points on just being way better since i don't have as much time to play anymore
i haven't seen it, but I've seen a ton about it on social media etc
apparently it's got some plot about an incel boy that kills a girl and it's got people on the whole ' are modern boys fucked' angle, toxic masculinty and the usual hot topics
Truth it, they probably are, toxic masculinity is the result of kids watching ultra violent porn from a young age, plus a decade of men bashing imo
Really it's about the network effect, so I would say you can also copy the facebook or tiktok code and make your own, but nobody would use it and thus it would be worthless.
i never thought of that, usually i just swap out later from sats using bolts, but if i did that it might eliminate a step. I'll test it next dca
if it was a friend, I would ask to make a copy of the magic keycard so i could just slink in whenever
if it was a friend and i was a sociopath, i would just make a copy of the elevator key card. I'm sure there's tech that does it