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36,824 sats stacked
stacking since: #719116longest cowboy streak: 6
Progressive bitcoiner Building and using decentralized tools that matter. https://marco.barulli.it/
Welcome to Stacker News!
Howdy @marco and welcome to SN
Just want to introduce you to the ~AGORA territory, a place to buy or sell your products and services with other stackers and obviously use bitcoin P2P as a medium of exchange.
Read this intro guide whenever needed, and if you have any feedback or suggestion on how we can make this space more useful, please do get in touch!
Wish you great and prosperous times around this wonderful corner of the internet!
Stay humble, stack sats ;)
Welcome aboard!
Welcome. How did you design and build capsule social so that it was “resistant to censorship and takedowns”? Why did you feel the need to invent a shitcoin for this project? And exactly what lessons did you learn from this experience to push you to bitcoin only?
Thanks, @ChrisS, I didn't contribute to the design, and I did not like it at all. I tried to convince the founder that a token (and a blockchain) was not necessary. I made several proposals, but the investment agreement with VCs included a token ...
I shared the view that an uncensorable Substack was needed, unfortunately we picked the wrong tools, the wrong incentives. And, eventually the flawed design made the company sink.
Too bad, because the team was great, the founder honest and passionate.
Progressive bitcoiner
what is that?
Simply stating that my political views are leaning in progressive field while being a Bitcoiner. Bitcoin is for everyone, but sometimes I feel it has become a partisan topic. And I hate that. :)
you are triggered by a simple question ? That means something is going on... I simply asked what is that.
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 8 Nov 2024
Seems more like you were triggered by his answer
And what triggered you?