8,135,989 sats stacked
stacking since: #1longest cowboy streak: 516 verified stacker.news contributorhuumn
I have the best job on Earth.
I used to work on distributed systems but now I do web stuff.
Site is great, this is quickly becoming my go-to for bitcoin news. Learned about the bitcoin mining council like half an hour before their live stream yesterday, got a ton of super helpful info from it. Thanks man.
Thanks frostdragon! Let us know if you need anything
Yup a great new hot spot for me
Found this site through a random namedrop on Stephans new year podcast episode. I've been staying off Twitter for a while so hadn't heard of it anywhere before.
I check HN every day and now I have a second website to check :)
lnauth worked immediately (a bit surprisingly) using Zeus + my Umbrel over tor
That’s awesome to hear! I use Zeus for lnurl-auth too.
Welcome aboard @k00b!
Hey Keyan,
Do you have a Discord server? Somewhere people from stacker news can hang out and chat more casually?
If you look in the footer of the site we have links to a Sphinx Tribe and a telegram group.
Care to share your npub in your bio?
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @F 5 Aug 2022
Hey Koob, where's my welcome comment on my profile? I feel left out. Thanks for making this site btw.
nice stake keyan!
Simple & clean looking great working app/site. Love it. Thank you!
Thanks Ren!
Amazing stuff you've built here! I've always enjoyed trying out new things, especially technology related things, and I have to say this website is perhaps the most amazing proof of concept in my opinion for how lightning should and can work.
That's very sweet major! Thank you!
Hi! There is an error when trying to edit my bio. A small red message pops up and says "1 item deleted," but then when refreshing the page there is no change. Is there something new to edit bios, am I missing something?
Thanks in advance 🌻
Bug! Looking into it
It looks like you managed to delete your bio in the past, so now it's in an uneditable state. I'll try to manually fix it.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 1 Jul
Give another shot when you get a chance. It should work now.
Thank you! 🌻
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
Love the site Keyan keep it up! 🖖
Thanks Drew!
It's amazing four years ago I was sending my first $5 on chain to of my first purchase to my first mobile wallet from Coinbase. Wondering if it would go to where I wanted it. It did and a light bulb went off. Hundreds off transactions later and figuring out lightning a little, this platform is another one of those light bulbs. Great work!
Thanks poe!
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 29 Jun
Howdy @k00b, glad to see you're one of the most prolific stackers around and a proud cowboy!
Just want to introduce you to the ~AGORA territory, a place to buy and sell your products or services with other stackers and obviously use bitcoin P2P as a medium of exchange.
Read this intro guide whenever needed, and if you have any feedback or suggestion on how we can make this space more useful, please do get in touch!
Wish you great and prosperous times around this wonderful corner of the internet!
Stay tuned, stack sats ;)
Dear Keyan, This is my first day on the project, many things are intuitive and not complicated (especially if I was previously on Hacker News), but damn, why are there such difficulties in terms of payment? No, of course I understand everything, the idea of using only bitcoin and I can study Lightning without any problems. But somehow I had never met Lightning before, and being in the ERC-20 (where my wallet became 900 days old today) I thought: why limit the number of participants who are willing to pay? Anyway, it's cool what you've done and I'll certainly study everything I need to do to get onboarded. Thanks a lot!
ERC-20 (where my wallet became 900 days old today) I thought: why limit the number of participants who are willing to pay?
You mean, why don't we accept arbitrary ERC-20 tokens? Mostly because SN prefers bitcoin as an MoE, UoA, and SoV, so we'd have to exchange your tokens for bitcoin on our end and assume exchange rate risk. Hopefully more exchanges will support lightning going forward and ERC-20 people will have an easier time onboarding to lightning apps.
Anyway, it's cool what you've done and I'll certainly study everything I need to do to get onboarded.
Excellent! If you've been in the ecosystem a long time, and you've avoided using bitcoin somehow, it's probably worth getting acquainted. It's a whole other world and the world us stackers prefer.
I don't want to distract you, but if you have a minute, write your answer to the question: Don't the ERC-20 tokens, the same ETHer, perform the same functions you specified and are more common (user friendly, as for me)? I am sure that the choice of bitcoin was not accidental on your part. Thank you!
Don't the ERC-20 tokens, the same ETHer, perform the same functions you specified and are more common?
They do not provide those functions sufficiently for SN to depend on them. Hypothetically, we can use pots and pans as money but I wouldn't. We choose to use the best money available as a matter of taste and we expect others would prefer to do the same regardless of the other assets they are speculating on at any given moment (whether that's Apple stock or Solana tokens).
are more common?
They are certainly more plentiful, and unpredictably so, if that's what you mean.

The bottom line is really that we aren't an exchange and we aren't a broker. We are a social economy and efficient economies have a preferred money and ours is bitcoin.
Great answer, thank you 🙏 Of course I still have a lot of questions, but somehow I'll figure it out on my own, have a nice day Keyan!
Hi Keyan! nice to be here! 👋
thank you for your service!
Is the QR code lnurl on profiles static? Am I able to use that QR code as a static deposit address for fundraising?
We are planning a DDOS campaign against @thebitcoinbugle for spreading misinformation and we want an easy way to fundraise.
Is the QR code lnurl on profiles static
Yes, but accounts have a wallet balance limit of 250k sats which we plan to lower further in the future. 🫡
Stacker News could be an interesting place to fundraise to DDOS different providers. Could be an issue in the future.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 9 Apr
Distractions. Your noncompliance is the issue. What did you do to make number go up today?
Just published the Bugle Weekly podcast which was all about NGU. Make sure to go over and zap it for us and comment to get it trending on Stacker.
I love Stacker News @k00b! One of the best things I've discovered in the Bitcoin community yet.
the NIP-05 aren't working. Server is down?
It appears to be working. Maybe that’s not what you mean. Could you be more specific?
when I look at my profile on nostr, it used to be a purple checkmark, now it's red!
Which nostr client?
It's fixed now, but it was showing up as a red ! Mark on Amethyst
It could’ve been amethyst was the problem, but let me know if it comes up again, or you experience anything else for that matter.
Thanks! I was nervous because I'm writing for my part 2 guide to use stacker.news as NIP-05 (just to make it easy for beginners)
Hey Koob, can I bug you for a min?
What did you need?
Nothing, you seem to have the system set up exactly how you want it to be, to profit. Just like any business. Have fun being just like the rest. While you pretend to be different.
Hey k00b not sure if this is worthy of a bug report or if I made a mistake but I tried withdrawing from my Stacker News wallet to Alby. While Stacker News said my transaction was done instantly I still see Alby as "Waiting on Payment" while it's been nearly an hour. Very possible I messed up but not sure how considering I just copypastad the invoice.
Any guesses what might of caused this? Thanks.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 11 Feb
Reach out to Alby if you're concerned. When we say your withdraw went through it means they have your money now. I'd guess Alby has a small technical issue and it will resolve soon.
Yup, it was Alby! Thanks for the response :)
Merry Christmas
Heya! Using SN since a few weeks and I'm in love with it. I was wondering if there is any possibility to automatically publish on SN new posts from the website's rss feed. Thanks!
Have you seen this? #157771
I have a few question about the relays. When I cross post, it gives me the option of relays (optional).
If I'm not specific, where does it get published to?
What if I only want to publish to certain relays?
lfg i honestly ado LOVE stacker
Is there any way to contact members of the site other than replying to their posts? I noticed your sphinx tribe appears to be broken. Is it still available?