Introducing DiscoPay

Send bitcoin to your friends over discord!

what does a soft release mean?

We're currently looking for people to play around with this bot on our private discord server until we buff out a few rough edges.
If you join our server I'll throw you some sats to get started!

Join here:

Features in the works:

  • support for lnurl withdrawal
  • give every discord user a lightning address
  • on-chain deposits and withdrawals
  • moderation tools (paywalls etc)
I think it's great to have a way to pay lightning or tip lightning on discord. It's a huge community and regular btc takes forever to confirm ⚡⚡⚡
I just tried it out. It seems very simple and intuitive to use. I did need some help at first but that's just me! Nice bot.
This a awsome project the bot is very good for instant and easy lighting payments on lightning network there is no issue in using it
I think bot should work by @ command because like me new user will not know that he /she have to click on user to tip.
Good bot to tip in ln network i havent used ln tipping boy in discord but this is cool
Very great Discord Channel...the people that have founded it are very friendly and helpful. Thanks a lot, it has been a great experience!
I left you a DM on Discord, there's more I was trying to say there but it shows you as offline / idle now.
give every discord user a lightning address
The site looks slick, nice job!
moderation tools (paywalls etc)
Sybil resistance? I know spam is HUGE problem on discord right now.
Amazing bot! Now LN in on Discord! easy to use commands (jsut needs getting used to) But its fair! and i love it.
So DiscoPay runs the bot, and the wallet, so the Discord server operator simply needs to add the bot to that server? If so, then that's very simple, yes.
But how does DiscoPay get paid?
Is it a subscription from the Discord server operator? If so, is it flat rate?, or based on number of users, or ??
Or is instead DiscoPay's revenue coming from fees from the LN transactions?
  • Deposits, ... fee?
  • Withdrawals, ... fee?
  • Send (to another user), ... fee?
  • Receive (from another user), ... fee?
Another question .... so this is a custodial wallet, with DiscoPay holding the funds. Does the Discord server operator have any access or control to the funds? Or even visibility into user's wallet activity?
I assume that I could get kicked from that server by the admin. Do I still have the ability to chat with the bot to withdraw?

Good questions.

But how does DiscoPay get paid? Currently, there are no concrete plans to run profitably.

Is it a subscription from the Discord server operator?
Nope! No plans to do that.

Or is instead DiscoPay's revenue coming from fees from the LN transactions? This could be something I do to generate revenue. We are temporarily using opennode to facilitate deposits and withdrawals so any fee you see from the bot is me passing on their fee.

Deposits, ... fee? yes, opennode's 1%, will reduce to just cover routing fees when our node is online

Withdrawals, ... fee? yes, opennode's 1%, same as above

Send (to another user), ... fee? no fee

Receive (from another user), ... fee? no fee

Does the Discord server operator have any access or control to the funds? Or even visibility into the user's wallet activity? Nope, none. The balance is attached to the user, only. I have plans to allow the server admin to activate a server wallet to collect server dues, donations, etc...

I assume that I could get kicked from that server by the admin. Do I still have the ability to chat with the bot to withdraw? When the bot is fully launched, anyone will be able to add the bot to their own server. If you are kicked from a server you can simply create a new server, add the bot, and withdraw. Also, if the bot ever direct messages you to notify you of activity that direct message thread can be used to issue commands, like withdrawing.
Hope I answered all your Qs!
I know you named it for Discord, but any chances you’ll expand to something like Matrix chat?
For example, what if this was bundled with a matrix chat server so every server also gave all its users lightning addresses.
give every discord user a lightning address
do you block users from accidentally typing /balance and stuff in public chats? those are only allowed in DMs with the bot, right?
yup! Those responses will only be "ephemeral" meaning only you can see them.
Awesome news, will give it a test drive and create a tutorial on our site a bit later, love messing around with anything LN
Whoa! that's really nice. The server is totally dead so i'd love it if you joined.
I would like to learn how to code things similar to this.
It's live -- invite the bot to your Discord server!
DiscoPay has launched! Let's take Discord back from the shitcoiners ⚔️ #16801
cool little bot to tip your friends in discord, looking forward to the first public release
Meanwhile, at the competition ....
@tip_cc Hey guys, just tried your bot in Discord, really neat! Any plans on integrating Lightning for BTC withdrawal?
maybe some day... not a priority
"Competition", does anything really compete with btc on lightning?