Jameson Lopp making sure the message gets out!
FYI @bitfinex, @RobinhoodApp, @kucoincom, @BittrexExchange, @Gateio_Startup, @Poloniex, @okx, @coinexcom, and anyone custodying BSV... your security model is about to degrade.
As if this wasn't always faketoshi's end game.
Try to gain legitimacy through legal means to blindside his followers, so he can hard fork and rest control over Satoshi's treasure on his shitcoin network.
The best part:
The details around the whitelist are not included in the repository, therefore it is not clear what transactions are included in the whitelist or how transactions may be added.
Not only is BSV centralized due to this whitelist, they won't even tell you the details. Utterly insane.
Nice to get some confirmation. I couldn’t find the whitelist either feeling around.