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586 sats \ 12 replies \ @ek 25 Mar \ on: What's one of your more controversial opinions? AskSN
Most "bitcoiners" got "lucky" that they had one good insight into the world (broken money) but now think they are soooo smart and normies are sooo stupid.
No, you’re mostly just as retarded as everyone else. Maybe even more because now you think you’re right about way more things where normies would actually be humble enough to admit they don’t know and don‘t care. But as long as it makes you feel more like a "bitcoiner" and your bitcoin echo chamber tells you you are right, you are convinced you are right.
I really agree with what @elvismercury once said:
Imagine two people, Alice and Bob, heard about Bitcoin at the same time, and both had the same means and opportunity to buy the same amount. Alice was curious and intrigued by the idea and bought some while Bob dismissed it as a ponzi scam. Several years later Alice is very happy with the result and believes more than ever in bitcoin's potential, while Bob still claims it's a ponzi and likes to point out that Alice "just got lucky". Do you agree with Bob about her getting lucky in this scenario?
I would think Bob is probably coping, but if Alice were to rub it in Bob's face and call him dumb, I don't think Alice would be right either.
Yes absolutely I agree with Bob. It's extremely easy to be judgemental in hindsight. What if years later Alice lost her ass because the US government changed capital gains on BTC, and it got regulated to near death?
Also maybe Alice isn't always open minded, but that day she was. Maybe Bob listened to people who are extremely trustworthy that happened to be wrong.
It's easy to be snobby when your decisions turned out to be correct, but none of this is written in stone.
You're lucky to even have enough fiat to be able to get Bitcoin. You live on a planet where 12,000 people starve to death every day.
Most people are oblivious to the fact that their outcomes have way more to do with luck than they care to admit.
I mean, congratulations on making one decision that worked out, but what of Bob invested in AI and got 10x the returns that Alice did?
Stack stats and stay humble, there's a reason that statement is so important.
Both were lucky to hear about bitcoin, one was just also ignorant/stupid/whatever for too long; like most of us were the first time we heard about bitcoin.
"I wish I bought bitcoin the first time I heard about it years ago."
I think the point I am trying to make is that it's too easy to think when something good happens to us, it's because we earned it 100% and there was absolutely no luck involved. But when something bad happens to us, the world is against us. I am obviously overgeneralizing, but I would say that is something we all experienced in ourselves or in others at some point.
I think all we can do in life is to increase our chances of luck. That's not luck, but there is still some luck required in the end to be successful; whatever that means to you.
Btw, thanks for the reply, I usually don't know how to talk about what I want to talk about when nobody asks me about it, lol.
Thanks for posting an interesting philosophical problem! Maybe there is an issue with the word "luck". It seems to be used in two ways. 1) in regards to initial conditions or things outside our control, and 2) in regards to good outcomes of decisions we make in the past. I totally agree with #1 that luck is involved, but #2 is a problem especially when I see people using it to diminish someone's ability to make a good judgement call, which was what I was getting at in my little thought experiment. For #2 I think it's not fair to call it it luck as there was clearly some choice involved. But honestly I'm not totally sure.
No, you’re mostly just as retarded as everyone else. Maybe even more because now you think you’re right about way more things where normies would actually be humble enough to admit they don’t know and don‘t care.
This is the best and most succinct expression of what I believe that I've ever encountered.
While I agree with your sentiment I also disagree to some extent!
Many who found Bitcoin appealing early on were those who had already questioned the legitimacy of the banking and monetary system- The Occupy movement for example was something many joined but found protest in that way did not achieve a lot- so when Bitcoin came along it was instantly attractive to those of us who already questioned the current financial system.
You are correct in that the success of Bitcoin has emboldened many- including myself I admit! I never thought Bitcoin would reach the price it has or position it has and so I feel both surprised and am to some degree empowered by that to launch into other projects that otherwise might never have been able to.
So Bitcoin has empowered those who most quickly were prepared to question the fiat financial system and join an alternative (Bitcoin) when it seemed unlikely to succeed but simply to have the chance was enough.
I suspect that many very worthwhile and innovative projects are now in place which could never have been realised without Bitcoin- at the same time some have been emboldened to a degree of annoying arrogance.
At the same time I would add there is also an annoying reluctance from many Bitcoiners to admit just how compromised and diverted Bitcoin has become- the sly but effective obstruction of Bitcoin use as a MoE has rendered the protocol into much more a speculative commodity than a P2P censorship resistant payments protocol...but NGU narrative pushers do not like to acknowledge this.
At the same time I would add there is also an annoying reluctance from many Bitcoiners to admit just how compromised and diverted Bitcoin has become
This reminded me of this:
I think a loss of ideals is inevitable the more people consider themselves "bitcoiners."
I can't wait for the day when we no longer talk about 'normies' or 'bitcoiners' because those terms have become meaningless. And I think we're on the right track.
20 years from now, people will say that I was just lucky, and I'll agree. Yes the information is readily available now, but I stumbled onto it by happenstance.
I'm certainly no genius, nor do I have any real insight, this shit has pretty much been spoon fed to me by greater minds.