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I decided to share this dumb little SN slice of my life. When I'm looking around SN I occasionally run into a reply that really annoys me. I think to myself, "I don't need to read this bullshit" , and I mute the stacker. It's a pretty rare occurrence. Then, I'll be reading a discussion a few days or weeks later and I'll see the message "reply from someone you muted." I'm always curious what the jerk said, so I click on it, and 90% of the time it's an intelligent reply. Then I wonder what I muted the account for in the first place. I never remember, so I hit unmute.
This happens regularly with the few stackers I mute. I'm sure younger people with better memories don't experience this.
I remember that on my first day on Stacker News I got triggered and muted @DarthCoin because of his communication style.
Now I always read whatever he posts and often zap hard.
Lesson: don’t get easily triggered and judgmental.
If you feel offended by my words youj are just a pussy loser that will never learn anything from life.
You are just as dependent upon the nation state as everyone else. Go outside of the protective embrace of the nation state and see how long you last. I give you 24 hours, at most, before you are pleading for a blanket, a big mac and coke.
Yeah those keyboard libertarians who grew up protected in white upper class urban environments are funny when practicing “revolution” from their couch
We have many ace developers, but they all seem to think that because they code good, they are smart in everything else
They should code more, talk less about things they don’t get and read more Plato
In my case it's 90% bullshit crap judging me from my past writing. From Shitcoiner to liar to scammer and many more such words.
I've left looking at them 99% of times yet sometimes from my notification for the Stackers I've subscribed, I have to read something from them.
Also, there are so many instances where even though I've shared a news, the first comment will be calling me scammer. The worst is that their toxicity doesn't limit to SN, I've recieved messages with the similar words at other places as well.
Yeah, you've definitely acquired some enemies for life.
I don't really sense them as enemies. Instead I pity them for being foolish and impotent. People who troll online are actually the unhappiest and most dissatisfied people in their life.
True, but I've been surprised by the unrelenting fervor.
I also don't understand it. I mean I've never been disrespectful to them or anyone else, not even after they have been too bad to me. May be they are desperate to see me Outta here, or harm my reputation, which I don't believe we even have virtually or can be lost or immediately gained back.
So, TBH I don't want to spend my words answering trolls, I'd rather let my actions answer them.
yes your shitcoiner actions...
Also trying to impersonate me and then blame me for playing with multiple accounts LOL, you are such a loser.
Scammers must be called out.
To suggest you can exist entirely free of the state is a quasi scam.
Don't mute, just ignore. It's way more satisfying!
That's the way it turns out eventually anyway. I don't think I keep anyone muted for long.
I unmuted everyone like a year ago and never muted anyone again. There should be an option to mute for a set period when you do it! Ahaha cc/ @ek
Yes! Giving an account a timeout.
Or downzap. The option most aligned with the spirit on SN (or v4v more generally).
Sats are way too valuable to waste on downzaps!
that's like saying one shud never spend sats to clean up the hood. the hood will not clean itself up!
Ha! I only have one account muted and every time I've checked in on what they just said, it's been the same nonsense that got them muted in the first place.
At least I am consistent. Perhaps your inability to credibly refute my arguments remains the reason you prefer not to be confronted by them.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 26 Mar
Haha, same here! These days I only unmute if they make it into the Top 5.
Muting is hands down one of the best features on SN. I’ve also found it helpful to check how long someone’s been around—if they’re new, like you mentioned, it’s usually an auto-mute for me too.
I take my SN viewing/reading very seriously it’s the joy I get from it. It’s very important to not let others ruin that. On Twitter or even Nostr I can understand that but not here, this is a special place.
Until now I have not muted anyone. Maybe have been muted by other though lol. Maybe I'm one of the ones you muted and unmuted
If I did I don't remember.
Haha no problem if you did. I forget shit all the time too don't worry. My brain is not what it used to be
I have one CCP cuck muted and on occasion, I unmute him to see what he's saying, I see it's the same old shit. zero regrets
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 25 Mar
It has happened once, or maybe twice, that a stacker was inappropriately rude in their reply. I just ignore them, and don't engage. I think I downzapped once...
I try to remind myself that I don't need to have an opinion on everything, and should not engage online when I'm tired or stressed. When I forget this maxim, I write "dumb" unintelligible stuff. I'm getting better at it with age, though. 😅
I had never noticed that it’s possible to mute users. I prefer to ignore and not interact with those I don’t like, at least the ones whose names I remember. And I interact and contribute with those I like and follow.
I have the same experience, except I leave the person muted. They said some dumb shit before and I still haven’t forgiven them lol
I think there should be something like a ranking of users based on the number of times they are muted by other users. It would be fun to watch 🙂
Something like a level of honor? From Red Dead Redemption?
I remembered this because the game’s theme is similar to SN—a good old Wild West.
"reply from someone you muted." I'm always curious what the jerk said, so I click on it, and 90% of the time it's an intelligent reply. HAHAHA same. We need to occasionally de-mute the jerks
For me, it's more like 50% of the time it's intelligent, 50% of the time it's a good reminder of why I muted them.
Ever tried downzapping? I love downzapping. You can still follow your favorite stackers but smack ‘em when they get out of line. Haha
Feel free to downzapping this comment liberally…
Is it worth spending sats on this? I’m asking sincerely because I don’t know what the implications of a downzapping are.
19 sats \ 1 reply \ @jasonb 25 Mar
Totally, I forget the exact equation they have for it, but the post or comment gets seen less as it’s shoved down the rating in the “hot” or “top” categories.
Thanks for letting me know. I think I'll start using it since it doesn't get in the way of getting my hat, which I sometimes lose.
Once in a while. Sometimes I forget it's an option.
Me too actually. I’ll forget about it, and then remember it and go nuts. Many innocent civilians get downzapped, and then the cycle repeats.
You can even get a cowboy hat for downzapping!
IMO, you should get a sheriffs badge for downzapping content early that later becomes outlawed!
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Roll 24 Mar
In that case, just as he is doing (@DarthCoin) a note of the muting stackers...
Haha, it goes to show how easily we all can get triggered by a wrong turn of phrase, or a disagreement over one thing, but a lot of the time if we actually get to know the person we realize that we're actually not that dissimilar
Gonna have to go ahead and mute ya
Just makes notes as to why!
I don't mute very often unless it is an obvious bot, sats farmer or troll but I have had this happen a couple of times.
The key is....just not to respond. I still havent muted anyone, but l know there are some that deserve it. But how will l get the whole experience if l mute them?
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @NaOD 24 Mar
Health tho