Great Britain was the first country to adopt the gold standard in 1717, under the direction of physicist Isaac Newton, then director of the English Mint. The gold standard would play an important role in promoting trade throughout the British Empire and around the world. Great Britain would remain on the gold standard until 1914, although it would suspend it between 1797 and 1821, which included the entire period of the Napoleonic Wars. Britain's economic superiority was closely tied to having a superior monetary standard, so other European countries began to follow suit. The end of the Napoleonic Wars marked the beginning of a golden age in Europe, as, one after another, major European nations adopted the gold standard. The more countries officially switched to the gold standard, the more tradable the metal became, and the greater the incentive for other nations to join. Source: THE BITCOIN STANDARD BY SAIFEDEAM AMMOUS
The fact that Great Britain adopted the gold standard as the first country, and then unleashed gold standard fever in other countries, I feel it rhymes a lot with what we're seeing today: El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as legal tender, as a pilot experiment. And then seeing everything the US is doing regarding cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, aimed at issuing more debt, which will now be backed by Bitcoin and the US military, there's no doubt this will unleash a huge uproar, causing other nations to seek to do the same, either with Bitcoin reserves or using Bitcoin as backing to continue issuing their debt to the world and their respective citizens.
Another fact worth highlighting is that only under the standard of truly hard money are civilizations allowed to prosper and advance. Applying this at the micro level (personal level) is precisely the key. It reveals the importance it has for us as individuals when it comes to implementing the Bitcoin standard in our lives. The rest is just a matter of working and continuing to stack SATS and moving forward. Hard money does its job, securing wealth and appreciating against soft money. Obviously, all of this is a process that takes years. That's why it's important to start learning about Bitcoin as soon as possible and transitioning to the Bitcoin standard in our personal and family finances.