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46 sats \ 4 replies \ @Lux 20 Mar
Beogradski sindikat - Sistem te laže
48 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 20 Mar
The System is Lying to You
I remember when there were only two channels, Politics were read about and C coffee was drunk, The news was watched at 7:30 every day, Always the same story, always the same gang. Back then it was easy to spread propaganda, People believed the words from the screen, There was no room to hear the other side, Until somewhere across the way, the plan changed. Today, after wars, protests, and changes, Democracy, the internet, and new technologies, The fight for rights and freedom of speech, After everything, it's all the same as it ever was. Liars and puppets are still in power, Following orders and stealing everything for themselves, A thousand channels and all the social networks are useless, We bury our heads in the screen and everyone runs from conflict!
Chorus The system is lying to you, don't believe what it says, This life is a fight, from birth to the grave, So get up now!
Since I was little, they've been lying to me and working me like an ox, Telling me about Joža sledding in a trough, They gave me a scarf, a flag, and an oath, That comrades don't sell each other, not even for a spoonful of kajmak. And the big shots have settled into villas in Dedinje, Supposedly we're all the same, but the pigs are still in charge. So we wanted democracy, went out into the street, Wasted energy, got screwed! Foreign agencies pulled me like a monkey, To drink tear gas, to screw up our country. Now we listen to tall tales from the mouths of bad actors, But they're not the government, just a puppet show. I know who's lying to me and who's crushing me, Banks, the IMF, corporations are important. And the system exists to make money for them, And there will be justice only when this empire falls!
Chorus: The system is lying to you, don't believe what it says, This life is a fight, from birth to the grave, So get up now!
A man believes what he sees, a man believes what he hears, Doesn't realize that from birth his brain is being poisoned, By the propaganda of the system, whatever the system is called, Tabloids, television, spun reality. Which works to make you lose your identity, To be just an obedient, rotten mediocrity, To shift the blame, to vent on the innocent, The anger that you're blind, that you've been fooled again. You got fired, those are reforms, it has to be, No salary, late installments, they cut off the electricity right away, So you wait for the cops and the bailiffs to come, Like your ancestors once waited for the Turks on their wedding night. And you were silent, believed, hoped, voted, Now you can't believe how you ended up at the bottom, So pull yourself together in time, when it hurts, say it out loud, You don't owe it to the bank, but you owe it to your children!
Chorus: The system is lying to you, don't believe what it says, This life is a fight, from birth to the grave, So get up now!
The lyrics go pretty hard in Serbian
A good old Estonian rap sesh by yours truly 🤠
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 20 Mar
new band unlocked 👀
Yooooo, those lyrics are great!
Awesome find ek. I'm gunna need to dig into these guys some more.
Real old school sound. Not familiar with this band but I always like this style.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 20 Mar
Icon 🫡
Got to see him perform live once, he had so much energy, great performance.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Roll 20 Mar
This dudes really talented, I've enjoyed you sharing his music.
Fun metal cover :)
The Browning - Blue (Da Ba Dee)
Let's go!!! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Nothing beats a chonky chug and some blast beats.
This is my theme song 👊 God saved me from a life of alcoholism & addiction. It wasn't for Him I wouldn't be alive today!!! https://open.spotify.com/track/1ihdypKS85zCRtlEknh5fs?si=77915634a3ec4019
Really nice song, not heard of Del Way before.
Poolside – Around The Sun (feat. Amo Amo)
This has got a really cool feel good summer vibe. But also really chilled. Great track.
Good morning stackers!
Not a big fan of fall out boys, but this song is lit
... because it knows what I did in the dark
btw, I like the way this song hurts me ->
29 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 20 Mar
I like the way this song hurts me
damn, liking how songs hurt is so relatable, lol
Whisky lullaby always kills me. As does Blackstone cherry - things my father said.
But two in particular that has resonated with me loads recently is, citizen soldier - my own miracle. And Falling In Reverse - Last Resort (papa roach cover).
They thump me like a tonne of lead every time.
Yeah I was never a big fan of theirs but credit where it's due. They have some good tracks.