revised to account for embodied energy in hardware (so now 0.2%, double original estimate of 0.1%)
# to open / tweak, paste the contents of this file into Numi
worldEnergy2023ExaJoules = 600 = 600 = 600
worldEnergy2023Joules = worldEnergy2023ExaJoules * 1e18 = 6E20 = 6E20
worldEnergyWatts = worldEnergy2023ExaJoules * 1e18 / (3600*24*365) = 1.9E13 = 1.9E13
worldElectricity2023TWH = 27e3 # = 2.7E4 = 2.7E4
worldElectricity2023Joules = worldElectricity2023TWH * 1e12 * 3600 = 9.72E19 = 9.72E19
worldElectricityWatts = worldElectricity2023Joules / (3600 * 365 * 24) = 3.08E12 = 3.08E12
# Total energy is about 6x just the electrical energy
energyToElectricity = worldEnergy2023Joules / worldElectricity2023Joules = 6.17E0 = 6.17E0
llnlWorleEnergy2011PetaJoules = 543000 = 543,000 = 543,000
llnlWorleEnergy2011Joules = llnlWorleEnergy2011PetaJoules * 1e15 = 5.43E20 = 5.43E20
# sanity check. llnl total energy 2011 should be close to statista 2023 total energy
2011To2023Energy = worldEnergy2023Joules / llnlWorleEnergy2011Joules = 1.1E0 = 1.1E0
# I don't think this includes cooling but who knows
bitcoinElectricityGW = 20 = 20 = 20
bitcoinElectricityWatts = 20e9 = 2E10 = 2E10
# The Bitcoin Mining Network - Trends, Marginal Creation Cost, Electricity Consumption & Sources, Christopher Bendiksen and Samuel Gibbons
# Out of the mid-table creation costs, Electricity
# OPEX represents 33%, CAPEX represents 57%,
# and C&O OPEX represents 10% of the total cost.
# C&O is cooling and other
# CAPEX is cost of hardware, estimate embodied energy in hardware is equal to the electric energy
bitcoinEmbodiedEnergytoElectricenergyRatio = 1 = 1
bitcoinEmbodiedEnergyWatts = bitcoinElectricityWatts * bitcoinEmbodiedEnergytoElectricenergyRatio = 2E10
bitcoinTotalWatts = bitcoinElectricityWatts + bitcoinEmbodiedEnergyWatts = 4E10
# bitcoin fraction of world energy use
bitcoinFractionWorldEnergy = bitcoinTotalWatts / worldEnergyWatts = 2.11E-3