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Seré breve, cumpliendo con una meta personal he creado el canal Hispano para la comunidad bitcoiner hispanohablante en Stacker News.
Encontré la necesidad hace tiempo y no es hasta hoy que me he lanzado a presentar esta solución. Aquí puedes compartir y descubrir contenido útil sobre Bitcoin, seguridad, tecnología, economía, privacidad y cualquier otro tema relevante para nuestra comunidad.
Espero a vuestro apoyo y contravalor.
To keep it short, I created the Hispanic channel for the Spanish-speaking Bitcoin community on Stacker News, fulfilling a personal goal.
I discovered the need a while ago, and it wasn't until today that I decided to present this solution. Here you can share and discover useful content about Bitcoin, security, technology, economics, privacy, and any other topic relevant to our community.
I look forward to your support and appreciation.
¡Hombre! Congratulaciones, esto ya es el tercer intento para un territorio hispánico... una pena que no hayas salvado uno de los que ya estaban ahí ~espanol ~mexico
Gracias! Pues había pensado en esa opción pero no sabía si el nombre era editable, ahora que he abierto esta categoría veo que sí.
Que bueno ver esta iniciativa. Felicitaciones!
Al igual que los que hablamos español hemos tenido que hacer un esfuerzo para aprender inglés y escribir en inglés nuestros post, veo normal que los que hablan solo inglés tengan una motivación extra para aprender otro idioma...
I am happy but also sad about this new territory.
When SN launched the territories, I was tempted to create a spanish territory. But then I realized that is not the right way. A spanish territory it means ISOLATION, self segregation from all other things out there. Spanish speaking people MUST learn English and other languages. English speaking people MUST learn Spanish too.
That's why Spanish speaking people are so delayed in terms of Bitcoin knowledge, they isolated themselves into only spanish speaking places and do not want to speak another language. We do not talk here about the exceptions, we are talking about the masses.
Yes, maybe you want to write things in spanish on SN and then share them with other spanish people out there, but you will give them the feeling that they should keep speak spanish. Let's face it: all the Bitcoin documentation is in English. Bitcoin language is English and are so many terms that can't even be translated in Spanish.
I think @BTCLNAT approach is better - posting on SN in both languages all over SN. Segregation is not the way. Just think that all english speakers (that do not want to learn spanish) will mute this territory. Yes are the same squareheads like spanish speakers that are lazy and do not want learn english...
IMHO you are wasting valuable sats by maintaining this territory. This is the truth and truth hurts, for many. But I will always be that guy telling you the truth in your face.
103 sats \ 1 reply \ @BTCLNAT 16 Mar
Friend @DarthCoin, I just found out that there was a Spanish-speaking territory. Actually, I'm not the one who created it. I'm not happy about it, but I didn't know they had.
It's true that most of the posts on Bitcoin are in English, and it makes sense because Bitcoin, as a technology, requires programming, and programming is in English, so most programmers know English. But Bitcoin isn't for programmers anymore; it's for anyone who wants to accept it and is willing to learn from it. So it would be good if it became known in other languages as well, so that it also reaches the peanut vendor or the shopkeeper, who I know won't publish or read on SN.
As always, you're attentive and helping everyone so that the path to learning is at least smoother for them, and you yourself have made an effort to help in Spanish because the truth is that there are terms in some languages that don't have equivalents in others. That's why I've decided to always publish in both languages.
There was already a Spanish-speaking territory, and it was closed. We'll see how this one develops. I hope it allows more people to come closer and learn about Bitcoin. SN territories are like the market; they regulate themselves.
Thank you always for being @DarthCoin. It's better for me, and don't let me know what you think; it's helped me develop my intellect and abilities.
Amigo @DarthCoin, me entero ahora mismo que existía un territorio de habla hispana. En realidad no soy yo quien lo creó, nonte digo que no me alegro, pero no sabía que lo habían hecho.
Es real que la mayor parte de las publicaciones en Bitcoin están en inglés y tiene sentido porque Bitcoin como tecnología lleva programación y la programación es en inglés, así que la mayoría de los programadores saben inglés. Pero ya Bitcoin no es para programadores, es para todos los que quieran aceptarlo y estén dispuestos a aprender de él. Así que sería bueno que se conociera en otros idiomas también, para que le llegue también al manicero o al dependiente, que sé que no van a publicar ni leer en SN.
Como siempre estás pendiente y ayudando a todos para que el camino les sea al menos más llano en el aprendizaje y tú mismo te has esforzado por ayudar en español porque la verdad es que hay términos en algunos idiomas que no tienen equivalente en otros. Por eso he decidido publicar siempre en ambos idiomas.
Ya en una ocasión hubo un territorio hispano y se cerró, veremos como se desarrolla este. Ojalá que permita que más personas se acerquen y conozcan Bitcoin. Los territorios en SN son como el mercado, se regulan solos.
Gracias siempre por ser @DarthCoin. Así es mejor para mí y que ne digas ko que piensas, me ha hecho desarrollar mi intelecto y capacidad.
I don't mind replying to posts on SN in Spanish, when the discussion come into more details. I speak 4 languages and yes, I translated myself all my guides in Spanish because I saw that there's a lack of documentation in Spanish. I hope more english speakers will try to make posts in spanish here. Will see.
Hi @DarthCoin first of all thanks for being that active as always you are and giving us your particular point of view.
I wanted to clarify a few things:
  • Most of us we already know english and that there is a hispano corner on SN doesn't mean we're gonna stop learning it. This territory hasn't got the will of isolation, inshead that it has the purpose to mix us even more.
  • This is an attempt to bring back some users and claim for news one to @staker_news in fact there is a recent post #913928 where you can read this "...we don't have enough people zapping, and especially people zapping consciously/honestly..." speaking about independent territory and comment ranking, fix reply costs.
  • This territory is a personal initiative that I was longing to make true soon or after. I just put on this territory all what I staked of SN since the very begining, so it's my way to give back all that value that I recieved from all you stakers. No waste just value4value.
Stay humble and stack sats.
PD: That we are delayed in terms of Bitcoin knowledge is debatable but I'm not the rigth one to answer that.