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I'm rolling my 401k into a bitcoin IRA at the end of the month. I need 2 hardware wallets for multi sig. I hold 2 they hold 1.
I currently use a trezor 3, but they are $80 and I'm a cheap ass and don't want to spend $160 on 2 more of them.
What do you think?
  1. Bitcoin only
  2. Air gapped for, at least one, signer.
  3. Coinkite Coldcard, Blockstream Jade Plus, Seedsigner (build your own).
  4. Why so cheap? It is only your 401k!
Yea my trezor is the bitcoin only version. I was very careful about that.
Didn't know there was such an animal. I like Bitcoin only companies, I should say.
Although, I started with Ledger.
Yea it's an option you can select. I was warned about wallets that hold a bunch of extra shit not being as good.
105 sats \ 1 reply \ @Signal312 6 Mar
Don't they have limitations, on which wallets you can use? I think there's only a few that work with their system.
Ooo good call. Looks like trezor, ledger, and cold card.
SeedSigner should be at least one of your signing devices.
Cheap, powerful, and open source.
Bitcoin only and a Canadian company. What more could you ask for.
129 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 6 Mar
if price is an issue.. those are good, but not cheap at all
71 sats \ 0 replies \ @000w2 7 Mar
If you can't afford a coldcard, you don't have enough bitcoin to need one.
even more pricy than the Trezors, LOL. Aardvark get owned
No shit right? He's dropping bombs on me.
If it is your 401k I would opt for quality and security over cost effectiveness.
I don't know that cold card is more secure than trezor.
True, but there's something to be said for spreading manufacturing risk in a 2-of-3 setting.
Probs doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things
Especially after Trump slaps a 25% tariff on them.
It's probably accepted at the suicide booths in that case!!
I recently learned some people here really hate Ledger... so idk maybe not ledger 😂
Issues with ledger
  • Not Bitcoin only and that matters because they don't focus on Bitcoin features
  • They had a terrible data breach
  • They have announced features that concern people in the past
  • Their software phones home
  • Various nitpicks
That said, I have a couple Ledger devices. One can use them without their software with Sparrow wallet. Or use them as a signer in a multi sig wallet.
If you buy one you should buy it from them with an alias email and have it shipped to a drop / po box. Not your home address.
I'm sure I missed some things but I do not recommend Ledger but if you have one it's not useless or dangerous. It can be used safely. I can't say that of their software though.
I think they had some sort of data breach or something.
Why would you buy 2 more if you already have 1?
Slap debian on a junk laptop and use that as your 3rd signer, cache an encrypted backup of your keys/descriptors somewhere.
Seedsigners work kind of like this but with an RPI (haven't messed with, seems overly-complicated and too targeted for something based on a general purpose PC)
New HWW's are doing literally nothing for you in this case because the multisig and the fact that you alread have one obviates the liability of a compromised hot-device.
Currently i need 2 HW wallets to get the multi sig with this company. Also, I want to make sure thet i keep my bitcoin very separate. This bitcoin is going to be KYC, there's no way around it.
Your current hww should have the ability to separate wallets it signs for
Ill look at that. I'd love to save some money.
Jade is a good option, I'll try to use devices from different brands.
Creating a multi signature scheme is not for everyone, be sure to back up the keys AND the descriptors of the wallets.
Practice on testnet. IS FREE!
Create the multi signature, receive fake SATs, delete all the wallets and restore your set up.
you are wasting your money on useless toys. You will remember my words.
If you can tell me cheaper way to turn my 401k into btc I'm listening.
If i cash it out now, I lose 10% in fees and probably another 30% in taxes. It may not be ideal, but it's the best way for me to get the most bitcoin that I can.
1021 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 6 Mar
I was referring to buy a HWW, not to buy BTC. HWW are useless toys that only give you the illusion of security. You have plenty of ways to convert those fiat IOUs into BTC: https://darth-coin.github.io/beginner/buy-bitcoin-en.html
I have to get HWW in order to get my 401k turned into btc through this company. After I have my own keys, I can do whatever I need to do, but for now I'm just trying to get rid of this fiat.
Actually it's worse, I have an IOU for fiat.