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A few months ago, an Uber driver alerted me to the presence of his rival. By that point, Waymo had been testing in Austin for over a year. I hid my excitement during the ride but I applied as a beta tester, noting my belonging to the demographics a PM might test for. My application went ignored until, huzzah, Waymo sent me an email yesterday announcing their self-driving cars are available directly through Uber in Austin.
I configured my allegiance to our new overlords swearing in on my screened sandwich of silicon.
Without willing it, and having forgot my new religion, I woke earlier than planned today and hailed a ride. The app spoke to me, "if you wait 3 minutes longer, we'll send you a car without a driver." For five minutes, I watched a car but not a driver move in the direction of me and my screen.
The ride was nice. I didn't have to theatrically rush to a waiting human. There was less social weirdness than I would normally sit with on a ride. I could inspect the car without risking the driver sense that I'm inspecting them. The car couldn't look at me buffering, deciphering if I am homeless or merely look it. I got to pick my own music. I got to watch people un-contacted by Waymo watch the car.
But ... it drove a lot more like a robot driving a car than a human driving a car. It pumped the brakes a few times as we passed weirdly parked cars uncertain (apparently) if the car might move into our lane. Once it signaled that we were headed into oncoming traffic as a street widened from one lane to two. Worst of all, it dropped me off near an anomalous stretch of sidewalk where my door opened to a wall, and if I were to climb and get out the other side, I'd arrive in the middle lane of a busy street. Trapped, I pinched myself through the door and, like Laura Croft, navigated the road's edge to a sidewalk.
tbh I'm still excited for my next Waymo ride. I'll just choose a different drop-off address.
Wow the future, thanks for sharing! I know it’s coming but no one in the Midwest believes me.
honestly after riding in Waymos for a year plus now -- I 1000% get anxiety riding in Ubers. I'm not sure if it's just the newness of your launch location, but Waymo rides are far smoother and calmer than any Uber in my city.
410 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 13h
Simply a superior product. Safer by the mile (and will only get better) and you don't have to worry about a sketch driver or feel pressured into an awkward conversation. And no tip!
Like electronic ordering at restaurants, I much prefer it while acknowledging it is only further accelerating our demise into an introverted anti-social society...
I don't understand the uber partnership TBH. In SF it seems like their limiting factor is their car production... making them already capacity constrained... I don't know why they need uber.
Austin is the perfect place for this technology to take off. In Italys 7ft wide streets where and people drive their Vespas like crazy it might take a few years.
Is this the first k00b / Lara Croft comparison?
68 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b OP 15h
First, only, and, waymo-willing, ever.
40 sats \ 2 replies \ @Car 16h
Was it the same price as a normal Uber?
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 13h
For me it was cheaper- on top of that there's no pressure to tip google.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b OP 15h
I think so. Just a longer wait.
103 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 16h
You are braver than I.
160 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 13h
Might be some hiccups in a new city but objectively per mile they are already safe than the average human.
Half the time my uber driver is on their phone chatting. If you're a woman it's a no brainer not having to worry about who the driver might be, or if they're even the same person that's supposed to pick you up.
29 sats \ 0 replies \ @Satosora 16h
It can only get better. It should "learn" as it gains more driving experience, right?
Did you just photoshop a Lara Croft with a Stacker.News cap onto a Google Street image? Google Maps Plugin when?
On a more serious note, my beef with Waymo is that they drive like turtles. I hate getting stuck behind one.
40 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b OP 15h
Did you just photoshop a Lara Croft with a Stacker.News cap onto a Google Street image?
Google Maps Plugin when?
When someone adds it!
When someone adds it!
That someone could be you!
40 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b OP 15h
You dropped this!
That last part has me intrigued -- you'd think there'd be some sort of "this spot isn't safe/accessible for me to egress" button.
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b OP 16h
Maybe I didn't look hard enough. There wasn't an option on the passenger screen at least. My only instinct was to kind of wail and hope it'd hear me and move.
We need some foss software and hardware version of that.
I wonder how it will fare in a country where almost noone follows traffic rules!
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