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100 sats \ 0 replies \ @supratic 28 Feb
It will win just because is open source
70 sats \ 2 replies \ @TheMorningStar 28 Feb
164 sats \ 1 reply \ @petertodd 28 Feb
You're quite right to question this.
Unless they've significantly changed the product since last time I talked to them it's just a chip that does blind signing. It can prevent a key from being leaked, hopefully. But it can't really prevent a key from being misused. Which in most circumstances is pretty much just as bad.
Now, if you could actually run code on the chip and get a remotely verifiable attestation that the code was run correctly, it could be more useful. But it can't. It just blindly signs things provided to it.
15 sats \ 0 replies \ @optimism 28 Feb
What do you want to protect against precisely? "Key misuse" as in it signed a blob it shouldn't have signed?