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35 sats \ 13 replies \ @freetx 26 Feb \ parent \ on: Paolo Ardoino On Why Tether Is Necessary bitcoin
There are 2 basic conversations happening here:
Group 1: We want everyone to use bitcoin and we want that NOW
Group 2: Yes, I agree....but the market hasn't chosen that yet, hardly anyone is buying anything with it.....so we have to live within the limits of reality as we find it.
Group 1: Well then you're an asshole who supports fiat!
Group 2: ok.....
Bitcoin adoption comes from the bottom, not from the top macrobullshit economies.
When all mom&pop shops, small merchants, small producers will sell their products and services for Bitcoin, slowly creating a PARALLEL economy using Bitcoin.
The only way forward is to get the fuck out from this system, not sustaining it as long is possible. DON'T BE A FUCKING PUSSY AND USE THAT DAMN BITCOIN WALLET.
Forget about waiting until your crap politician will make some bullshit paper saying that now you can trade with bitcoin, or a fucking Saylor or Tether mogul saying that you can use Bitcoin by putting it into a bullshit reserve and they will give to use a fucking token named tether. That's the old trick the banksters will use again and again on you.
FUCK'EM'ALL use only bitcoin.
I would posit that the reason "hardly anyone is buying anything with it" is because of the same complacency and laziness that makes the original argument (dollar-milkshake-theory) compelling to Group 2 to begin with.
If we decided to stop being lazy, stop using fiat, only patronize Bitcoin-accepting merchants, and move to Bitcoin-accepting jurisdictions.... the pressure would start to build against fiat. Globally, we ARE a large enough group to make a difference. The problem is, we are very spread out, so we feel like minorities in our local community. But we are not a global minority. We can do 100x more than we currently are. We're just not doing much. The devs are doing the hard work, giving us the tools we need... and we're choosing NOT to support them... not to use those tools.... to support NGU only.
EDIT: I'm generalizing Bitcoiners with my comment above. Many ARE doing a lot. Many have moved to El Salvador. Many do run their own Lightning nodes and frequently use BTCmap.org. But I'd say 90% don't. It's up to the 10% of us who are doing those thing, to also demand more from the other 90%. To lead by example. To stop using fiat.
Many have moved to El Salvador.
I don't. But I am still running multiple nodes and I onboarded enough merchants around me so I can live peacefully on Bitcoin standard.
(Bitcoin standard it means as you said, paying and being paid in bitcoin directly and NOT using those damn shit visa cards)
Yea, exactly.
This is the point I'm trying to make in this thread. DarthCoin is doing the bare minimum. People act like he's extreme. But he's just doing the basic stuff, and living what he preaches.
The Revolutionary War was fought over similar monetary enslavement stuff. Those muthafuckas literally went to war to get off the King's money. Bitcoiners here can't even be bothered to run a damn Lightning node.
The lack of doing even the simplest things is why I'm so frustrated. We don't have to go to all out kinetic war, but FFS can we do a little more than what we've been doing lately? Can we at the bare minimum stop acting like using dollars is innocent?! Stop acting like Tether is A-Okay? Can we stop this fucking madness and get back to overthrowing fiat instead of supporting it?!
BCH and XMR bros are doing 10x more toward those goals then Bitcoiners are in 2025. And we should be ashamed.

I think that's my problem.... Bitcoiners aren't even grabbing the low-hanging fruit. Maybe full blown, kinetic revolution is too much to ask.... but can we start demanding that we start doing the easy stuff?
But what about simply patronizing merchants accepting Bitcoin and trying our hardest not to use fiat unless necessary? For example, on BTCmap.org, there is only one restaurant in my large US city accepting Bitcoin. EVERY Bitcoiner in a 20 mile radius should simply REFUSE to go out to eat anywhere else. That restaurant should be swarming with Bitcoiners. But it's not. When we have our monthly Bitcoin meetup at said restaurant, not even the hardcore Bitcoiners there are paying with Bitcoin. Even they take out their fiat plastic to pay. It is shameful.
How many Bitcoiners make regular purchases from merchants on Oshi.tech or Airbtc.com?
In large cities, Bitcoiners could come together to approach local farms/ranches to source produce, dairy, meats. When a large enough group promises they will go direct to source, instead of going to their local grocery store, you can bet the farmers/ranchers will learn how to use Bitcoin.
There's just no urgency in the community to use Bitcoin as a MoE. This strengthens the dollar. Bitcoiners are a bunch of Stockholm Syndrome survivors. They can't seem to understand how bad and dangerous the dollar is, and that its short-term convenience should not be the reason we use it instead of Bitcoin whenever possible.
Bitcoiners could come together to approach local farms/ranches to source produce, dairy, meats.
Exactly that!
I did that with some local farmers. Now they provide me fresh fruits and veggies (in their season) and I pay in sats. P2P.
You can find ones near by your location here: https://farmmatch.com/ and https://farmfoodmap-org.vercel.app or whatever other location map with farmers, are many out there.
No bullshit Tether, no bullshit fiat. Just sats.
We should stop paying with our credit cards in Bitcoin meetups
At the very least. The bare minimum is that AND WE AREN'T EVEN DOING IT!
Then people tell me to stop whining. #896429
FFS, I should be asking why I'm the only one who seems to be whining! Except @DarthCoin. He seems to be on my team.
He's no whiner.
But I am?
No points for passion? I guess I'll lay down my sword. I'm fighting alone.
Here ya go @freetx. The reason no one is even trying. The reason no merchants are accepting Bitcoin. Even this community calls us crazy for trying. Don't complain, no one wants to hear that. Just use fiat and fall in line.