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why are you such a butthurt little fag because I don't want your bankcoin?
I don't even want to give it to you... I want you to spend all your sats so you will not have any.
Is very simple...
I wouldn't accept them, retard, see my first post. why would I have sats? I already told you BTC is a bank captured shitcoin. I only accept xmr.
why are you here then? This is a place where you use bitcoin. The retard is you, fucking idiot. Nobody is forcing you to use bitcoin. You don't want it, fuck off, eat shit.
I was responding to the guy looking for coffee, fuckwit
And this is a place where anybody can PAY SATS TO POST A COMMENT, dumbass.
imagine how much of a pathetic faggot you have to be to get this butthurt because I don't want your useless surveillance shitcoin which has been totally co-opted and cucked by bankers. you're a fucking retard, and if you don't want to buy coffee for xmr, kindly fuck off, because btc is not accepted here