I'm a complete non-expert here, so forgive me if this is obtuse. But here's what I'm interested in learning about.
I'd like to put together an AI that would be able to facilitate my side of a debate/discussion on a certain topic. For instance, the Carnivore diet. I would ask it a question that I get asked a lot as a carnivore.
For instance: "Why is scurvy not a problem on the carnivore diet?". And then the AI would give me lot of resources about how to answer that question.
So I was wondering how hard it would be to put together lots of information (mostly text from books, maybe comments from online, transcripts from podcasts, etc) and input it into some AI tool, to get it into a format where I could ask questions. It would be like a regular AI, but it would prioritize the information that I've input.
Is that something that's possible, for someone who doesn't know much about AI expect as a user?