I've been thinking about it a lot lately. It's a future that seems so far away and yet so close, at least that's how I see it. Just a few years ago I didn't even think about it, I knew I was going to age but I saw it as something mythological, as far away as thinking about the collapse of the sun. Until a few months ago I realized my age, I'm still young but not very young anymore, I hope I'm expressing my idea correctly. It all started because I started to pay close attention to my body, I'm changing, I know, life is a constant change, but to put the situation into context, when I was a teenager I paid a lot, but a lot of attention to my body, nonsense about age, then I went through a stage in which I told myself "I'm divine" I don't need to stand in front of the mirror criticizing every aspect of my being, even though I spent several years, the mirror became an invisible object for me, I only used it briefly and precisely, for example to put sunscreen on my face. Going back to the beginning of everything, I started to notice that something is different in me, several things actually, my age, metabolism, expression lines among other aspects, that are starting to bother me, it seems silly and superficial, but it is a shock when you see your photos from 10, 15 or 20 years ago and now see your current state, I am not making a drama out of this nor does it keep me up at night, but it has made me rethink some things in my life, such as diet, mental health, physical health that includes exercise, my God something I fight with every day, I know its importance, I know its benefits and yet I keep putting it aside, sometimes I think ridiculous things like "if only I had started being consistent with exercise so long ago..." that word "would have" that we must remove from our vocabulary and our thoughts, there is no "would have" there is only what was and what is, only remains in us "what can be", exercising is like bitcoin, it does not matter when you start ... It doesn't matter when you arrive, it's never too late.
I see videos of people twice my age with more energy and endurance than I have, all thanks to exercise, and I also see people twice my age whose physical health is not what I want in the future and the only way to change that is to start now. I don't want to look back in 20 or 30 years and regret what I didn't do. There are things I definitely can't control, but the ones I can, I need to start taking charge of immediately.
I have some very good friends, they tell me "you can eat whatever you want because you're young, we can't, we should go on a diet", I found it funny because I actually disagree with that, we all should eat healthy and healthy means eating balanced and as natural as possible avoiding ultra processed foods, foods high in sugar, it's incredible how much damage too much sugar does, eating healthy doesn't mean you can't eat a hamburger, a pizza, ice cream or beer, the key point is in the excesses, they are very different cases, 1) eating healthy 5 days a week and only 2 days consuming "junk food", 2) consuming "junk food" 5 days a week and only 2 days eating healthy.
Stress is one of the biggest factors that destroy your youth, your physical and mental health. I don't have the solution for stress, or how to handle it. I live stressed most of the time. I know it's wrong, but there are external factors that trigger it and it goes to the level of areas that I can't control... or can I?
Physical activity, balanced nutrition and mental health are the three pillars for living and aging in the best way (that's what I believe). Of these three points, I have only mastered nutrition, not exercise, because I have been lazy and irresponsible. I'm not going to lie to you, I won't give excuses because that would be invalid. Stress makes fun of me, that's my weak point.
I think we usually put things off because we believe that day will never come, that bad things don't happen to us, that we will never have white hair or with a lot of luck we will still have hair, we never think about the sagging skin that is now going to split into several layers, we never think that we will no longer be as fast and strong as we were when we were 20. For me this becomes a bittersweet feeling, especially when I see before and after photos of my mom and my grandmother, to think that it will also happen to me, in reality it is already happening right now, all that remains for me is to start working today for myself and for my future self.