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How do you get funds on an LNSploit node to open a channel? That option doesn't do anything for me.
Also, if I "open" a channel without having any funds. it says "channel opened".
It uses the funds on the bitcoind node. Which if you're mining from with polar it should have funds.
connected it straight to a mainnet node brother
Noooooooo lol. There's a few hardcoded regtests in the code, definitely not safe to do lol.
I would like to use it on mainnet to attack my own nodes. How can I else be sure they do what they claim to do? Keep up the good work and don't be afraid, I didn't come here to do safe stuff ;)
An Esplora API backend would be ideal for easier use on mainnet.
which didn't have any funds ( I think :grin:)