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I have encountered this note in Nostr 🟣 while I was giving a return of recognition for the place.
Read totally surprised 😯 $18 For less than two pounds of ground meat.
I think it's something totally incredible, meditating on the subject, many questions arose and then I thought.
Suppose that for me those prices are incredible because, I am a lower class person and who lives in South America. $ 18 here in this place mean 1 day of work (de pending the day) and possibly to 2 or 3 days depending on whoever you ask.
And in these places what people eat most is chicken 🐔 because it is the most economical.
At home we eat meat frequently during the course of the month, maybe two or three times a week, I grew up in a low -class home, and we regularly ate everything, chicken, meat, fish. And the meat is ate quite frequently. And now that I am Bitcoiner in formation, in my mind I have become more carnivorous. 🦖 I try to eat more meat.
Returning to the example of BTC session
Here where I reside, you can buy a kilo of ground meat for exactly $ 6.99. (Good meat) because you also find the most economical, but I do not recommend it if you want to continue healthy.
My goal with this publication is that I would like to make a list about the price of meat based on the opinions of the different 👥⚡ stackers that are all over the world 🌎🌍
Leave your comment with the price per kilo or pound, depending on the measurement system they use in the region where you live
EHEM Here 1 kgr. = 6.96 $ 7244 sats
If you participate, we all educate ourselves
Do you like ground meat, are you carnivore?
Yeah 80.0%
5 votes \ poll ended
I'll assume ground beef, based on what's in the linked note.
I'd say between 10,000 and 20,000 KRW? For import American or Australian beef, that is.
If you go for Korean beef (한우) it can easily double. Ground 한우 is not really worth it though in my opinion...
한우 on the grill is pretty amazing. Kinda similar to Japanese Wagyu, with lots of marbling.
And now that I am Bitcoiner in formation, in my mind I have become more carnivorous.
This kind of statement always makes me smile. My eating habits are completely disconnected from my love for Bitcoin. But seems there is a subset of Bitcoiners who prides themselves in being carnivores, indeed~~
Is that a premium beef as that stuff is expensive but I’m thinking in AUD where your talking what 22 usd?