I have encountered this note in Nostr 🟣 while I was giving a return of recognition for the place.
Read totally surprised 😯 $18 For less than two pounds of ground meat.
I think it's something totally incredible, meditating on the subject, many questions arose and then I thought.
Suppose that for me those prices are incredible because, I am a lower class person and who lives in South America. $ 18 here in this place mean 1 day of work (de pending the day) and possibly to 2 or 3 days depending on whoever you ask.
And in these places what people eat most is chicken 🐔 because it is the most economical.
At home we eat meat frequently during the course of the month, maybe two or three times a week, I grew up in a low -class home, and we regularly ate everything, chicken, meat, fish. And the meat is ate quite frequently. And now that I am Bitcoiner in formation, in my mind I have become more carnivorous. 🦖 I try to eat more meat.
Returning to the example of BTC session
Here where I reside, you can buy a kilo of ground meat for exactly $ 6.99. (Good meat) because you also find the most economical, but I do not recommend it if you want to continue healthy.
My goal with this publication is that I would like to make a list about the price of meat based on the opinions of the different 👥⚡ stackers that are all over the world 🌎🌍
Leave your comment with the price per kilo or pound, depending on the measurement system they use in the region where you live
Here 1 kgr. = 6.96 $ 7244 sats
If you participate, we all educate ourselves
Do you like ground meat, are you carnivore?
Yeah 80.0%
5 votes \ poll ended