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Just wanted to let you know that the FAQ has been updated. It's completely new.
Would love to hear if I missed any question like #878579. Just added the answer to it.
The FAQ is now also a part of our Github repository, so in theory, you could create a pull request and get paid if we think it's a good addition. πŸ‘€
1145 sats \ 1 reply \ @Signal312 7 Feb
Looks great. Some feedback:

Perhaps make this particular text more prominent?

To quickly browse through this FAQ page, click the chapters icon in the top-right corner. This will let you scroll through all chapters or search for a particular topic within this page.
That header feature is great, and a lot of people don't know about it, and how easy it can be to find exactly what you want with headers. Maybe having an image of the screen, with a big red arrow, pointing to where users should click for headers?

Maybe you could explain nym a little more, or just say alias or profile.

Click here or click on your nym and select 'wallets'.
I didn't know what "nym" was, not too long ago.

You have this about wallets:

We currently support the following wallets:
And then a list of wallets. But, CoinOS is not in the list. That's my wallet. I know it's done through NWC, if I remember right, but I would have expected to actually see the word CoinOS on the list.
Maybe to the right of where it says NWC? A lot of people will have no idea why that list has all those (to them) weird terms on it, and not many actual wallets.
Or maybe put the "I can't find my wallet" section right after the "We currently support the following wallets". That makes the previous missing wallets make a little more sense.

The date on the faq is from 2021

The FAQ page itself says it's from 15 Jul 2021. That makes people think it's not being updated, when actually it is. Also the comments are really old, which makes people think that the FAQ is old. Easiest thing perhaps to do is a pinned comment?
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek OP 7 Feb
Perhaps make this particular text more prominent?
Mhh, I think an image would be too much. And I think it's not that important to make it more prominent even though it's indeed a nice feature. πŸ‘€
I didn't know what "nym" was, not too long ago.
I agree, I also didn't know what a nym was before SN. I changed it to say name.
Maybe to the right of where it says NWC? A lot of people will have no idea why that list has all those (to them) weird terms on it, and not many actual wallets.
We have plans to list every wallet individually and only mention protocols like NWC in some advanced section. So by default, it will show Wallet of Satoshi, Strike, Phoenix, ZBD etc.
Or maybe put the "I can't find my wallet" section right after the "We currently support the following wallets". That makes the previous missing wallets make a little more sense.
Good idea! Updated.
The FAQ page itself says it's from 15 Jul 2021. That makes people think it's not being updated, when actually it is.
Good point! I added 'last updated' in the header.
SN has media uploads?????????
LOL you lived under a rock until now?
I use markdown every day at work and am used to referencing everything with ![]()
I think that means I should mention in the FAQ how to upload media. This was there before, but I removed it because I thought it's obvious, lol
1000 sats \ 4 replies \ @DarthCoin 7 Feb
also setup a reminder for each user to read the FAQ once they login hahahaha otherwise nobody will read FAQ
this or something like that is actually a good idea
we definitely need better onboarding
or I'll just mention them from now on in my welcome posts
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek OP 7 Feb
Huh... I didn't not know there was an undo zap setting. Either it's new, I forgot, or i missed it the first read through.
It’s been there for a while
I don't doubt it. My ability to not know things is unparalleled.
I think there should be some sort of cycling of re-posting SN release posts, to help surface features to new users. Those of us that have been around a while see the new features being released, but new folks miss that.