I know, the title of the post is a bit much. I couldn't resist. I just want to make a quick post about what I did today.
My wife sent me on my weekend errands. One of my stops was our local butcher. I have been shopping there for years, so most of the workers recognize me.
To set the scene, you could say that where I live is, for the most part, MAGA country. This butcher shop is no exception. In 2016 there was a "Jail Hillary" poster on the wall next to the faded, black and white photo of Frank Sinatra. This year there was a "Make America Great Again" sign on the front window.
It's no secret that I do not support either major US political party, and I frankly don't like Donald Trump. Like some New Yorkers, my impressions of him were formed in the 1980s, long before The Apprentice or his presidential campaigns.
Recently his shitcoinery really pissed me off, too.
However, I care about bitcoin adoption. While making my rounds I hatched a plan to Orange Pill the butcher shop.
I walked to the counter. The store was not crowded, but there were four or five guys working there, like usual. Towards the back was the owner. He is an old, nasty asshole who had never been taught the maxim "the customer is always right." One of the reasons this trip had become my errand is because my wife hates the guy, and doesn't want to take a chance that he will be the one to take her order.
I walked to the counter and told the young man behind the counter what I wanted. It took a while for him to collect all the items. He calculated the total and asked how I would like to pay. In a strong, clear, voice, I said, as if it were an afterthought, "do you guys take bitcoin YET?" That "yet" was my big revelation. I wanted to give the impression that everyone was starting to accept it. I knew everyone in the store had been following Trump's campaign. I figured their good feelings towards him might extend to bitcoin. The old crusty bastard in the back snorted and laughed derisively. I expected that. I had everyone else's attention. The young guy taking my order then started the whole "it's not backed by anything" argument. He clearly knew something about shitcoins, because he described getting burned with NFTs. Then he said "eth is pretty good, right? Better than doge."
This gave me the chance to explain the bitcoin distinction. Honestly, I guess I did okay, but I wish someone like Lyn Alden happened to be buying a few steaks next to me to take over the explanation. I'm still critiquing my arguments in my own head.
It was a little stressful getting put on the spot to explain myself. I don't care. I decided I'm going to start doing this more, all over town. I'm hoping the YET at the end of the question inspires some business owner to feel a little FOMO. It's no secret that, whatever you think of the man, Trump inspires trust and enthusiasm. Maybe we can use some of that special sauce for some grass roots local bitcoin adoption.
used on youup-close and personal, many times.This post might be more relevant and engaging in the ~bitcoin_beginners territory.