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People respond to incentives
It sounds econs-ish, but ya I’m posting in the right territory.
Yesterday, I opened up my trusty SGRecycle app and saw that a recycling machine near my school was in operation. After finishing 8 periods of lessons, I didn’t have much mood to do much else, so I decided to clear some of the stuff on my staffroom table.
Let’s say that I’m not the most consistent person when it comes to organising and filing stuff. In the past, I even embraced this messy side of me, flexing it as creative chaos. Never mind that I sometimes spent too much time looking for that one important document haha.
I have since come to my senses, for tidy table = orderly mind. But I think my challenge is that I’m an innate hoarder. I like to keep physical copies of worksheets or notes that I took during workshops or inspirational quotes, etc. I do use some of them several years down the road, which makes discarding them now a chore to think through.
Anyway, since the recycling machine was in business, I cut out some notes and pasted them on a notebook. Put some assignments in plain view so that I could return them to students. Reduced my clutter and made it more palatable-looking.
I earned 110 sats from my recycled stuff, so that’s a bonus, aside from the therapeutic effect that decluttering always brings.
Are you on top of your clutter?
People respond to incentives
Sounds econ-ish, but honestly it applies to every single territory.
As for clutter, one person's clutter is another person's system. LOL. That's how I feel when my wife moves my clutter and I can't find my stuff anymore.
Oh I love the way you frame it!
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 11h
Yes and no. Certain areas like the kitchen and living room I can't stand clutter but my desk that I never use because I don't want to be stuffed in an alcove is cluttered with paper and old mail.
Contained mess, I love it.
Which reminds me that I must remove all those papers and books on my unused sofa haha
24 sats \ 2 replies \ @Satosora 11h
Even einstein had a cluttered desk. So dont worry.
How do you know he had a cluttered desk?
He talked about it. There are also pictures of him near his messy desks.
I'm usually pretty good at keeping my clutter in check, but keeping up with the trail of carnage the kids leave is another matter
Bruh you live in Singapore! You have space in your million dollar apartment for a desk?!
I suffer from constant disorder in every sense (time, clothes, personal life), although I like to see things clean and tidy, I struggle to be tidy every day. Does something similar or worse happen to you?
Ahh great! It's looking better.
In my teaching days, I never used to bring anything to my table. So, I never required to declutter. But believe me Indian School's staff rooms are much smaller and so much messy that you would forget you ever created one.