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馃槏 Blixt is the most appropriate node wallet for everyday Cubans 馃憦馃憦馃憣
Good graphical interface, synchronizes in the same environment as Blixt and Breez. Very good POS, uses Yadio for the BTC/CUP exchange rate. Uses addresses wrapped in Lightning, that improves privacy.
But the LSP Olympus is not available for Cuba, using VPN as recommended solves this. The channel opening, at least the explorations I did including with the LSP Olympus with Onchain deposit has to be greater than 100k SAT. The opening with any public node has a minimum of 500k for those that accept private nodes.
Synchronizes well. Has POS. Opening a channel with LSP via Lightning costs 2500 SAT as long as the deposit is less than 650k SAT, more than that is 0.4%. The total liquidity is double the deposit made via Lightning.
But it has a graphical interface that is not very user-friendly. The opening of new channels, because of the interface I do not understand well, is for Developers. If it exceeds the input liquidity, it opens a new channel and charges 2500 SAT again. I could not even come close to knowing how to do it with an Onchain deposit.
Synchronizes well. Excellent graphical interface. Channel opening, with LSP Dunder, for poor people with a minimum of 2200 SAT (I recommend 6000 SAT to cover the reserve and the deposit left for the fees) a channel of 410k SAT is opened 鉂わ笍 excellent for accumulating and then for Onchain, I am talking about the average Cuban. If you do it Onchain, the first one makes it super easy using autopilot, with a QR that appears at the beginning, then you can withdraw to have incoming liquidity and it is done with the Dunder LSP. It uses Tor internally, I tested it and had no problems, I was able to identify the URi of my private node on the Tor network.
It doesn't have a POS. But as soon as it has one, boom, ready.
La visi贸n de un cubano com煤n sobre 3 billeteras nodo. NO ES UNS GU脥A.
馃槏 Blixt es la billetera nodo m谩s apropiada para los Cuba de a pie 馃憦馃憦馃憣
Buena interfaz gr谩fica, sincroniza en el mismo entorno igual que Blixt y Breez. TPV muy bueno, utiliza Yadio para las tasa de cambio BTC/CUP. Utiliza las direcciones envueltas en Lightning, eso mejora la privacidad.
Pero el LSP Olympus no est谩 disponible para Cuba, al usar VPN como es recomendable esto se soluciona. La apertura de canal, por lo menos las exploraciones que hice inclu铆do con el LSP Olympus con dep贸sito Onchain tiene que ser mayor de 100k SAT. La apertura con cualquier nodo p煤blico tiene m铆nimo de 500k para los que aceptan Nodos privados.
Sincroniza bien. Tiene TPV. La apertura del canal con LSP v铆a Lightning tiene un costo de 2500 SAT siempre y cuando sea menor de 650k SAT el dep贸sito, mayor que eso es 0,4%. La liquidez total es el doble del dep贸sito realizado v铆a Lightning.
Pero tiene una interfaz gr谩fica nada amigable, la apertura de nuevos canales, a causa de la interfaz no lo entiendo bien, es para Desarrolladores. Si sobrepasa la liquidez de entrada, abre un nuevo canal y vuelve a cobrar 2500 SAT. No pude ni acercarme a saber c贸mo hacerlo con dep贸sito Onchain.
Sincroniza bien. Interfaz gr谩fica excelente. Apertura de canal, con LSP Dunder, para pobres de 2200 SAT m铆nimo (Recomiendo 6000 SAT para cubrir la reserva y el dep贸sito que queda para los fee) se abre un canal de 410k SAT 鉂わ笍 excelente para ir acumulando y luego para Onchain, estoy hablando de cubano de a pie. Si lo hace Onchain, el primero lo hace super f谩cil usando piloto autom谩tico, con un QR que sale en la parte inicial, luego puede retirar para tener liquidez entrante y se hace con el LSP Dunder. Usa Tor de manera interna, lo prob茅 y no tuve problemas, pude identificar la URi de mi nodo privado en la red Tor.
No tiene TPV. Pero en cuanto tenga, boom listo.
It is important to clarify that the guides are already very well written by @DarthCoin. Following these guides I have been able to test without any problems.
"synchronizes well" can't be true for Blixt. Next time try Valet 鈾︼笍 please
In my case, as in the case of the others who have Blixt where I live, it connects very well.
I will try the solution that you propose to me, I learned that everything I can I should try because nobody knows where they can find a gem.
In our case we are carrying out an educational program on Bitcoin for the adoption and development of a circular economy. So everything that is useful for this purpose, we test it and if it is feasible, we teach it.
En mi caso, al igual que en el caso de los otros que tienen Blixt donde vivo, e conecta muy bien.
La soluci贸n que me propone la probar茅, aprend铆 que todo lo que pueda lo pruebe porque nadie sabe donde puede encontrar una joya.
En nuestro caso estamos llevando un programa educativo sobre Bitcoin para la adopci贸n y desarrollo de una econom铆a circular. As铆 que todo lo que sea 煤til para este prop贸sito, lo probamos y si es factible, lo ense帽amos.
Thanks a lot
Muchas gracias
Great let's stay in touch.
I have tried Valet
First it installs quickly, it offers you a seed phrase so it is considered self-custody. It gives you the option to open channels purchased with LNBIG and with BITREFILL (it does not have channels available now), you can connect to your own node or to a public node I suppose, with the limitations that this implies for someone who does not have the ability to open channels with public nodes, finally they offer you a self-hosted channel, which opens in a second with an input liquidity of 1M SAT, which they themselves recognize as a CUSTODIATED SOLUTION.
When I try to look for information about the provider of this service, it tells me that the domain is for sale for 100 USD. That's it ummm!! Telegram support is a bot ummm!!!
I'm not saying it's bad or good. Just that you have to wait in time. I don't know for other people but for those of us who earn 21k SAT monthly for our work, every SAT counts.
Sure be careful, fiat channel is in dollars. Practically a stable inside LN. Better open a channel to use sats only.
I've been checking and the node with which the SATM channel is opened is hosted on the ISP DigitalOcean, the same ISP that hosts Rizful.
I should add that the recovery with the seed phrase worked well. When you recover it, the Hosted Channel does not appear, but when you request it, the funds you left are there.
Good research :)
Have you tried Phoenix? It doesn't have POS, but it syncs and opens very fast. I don't know if the LSP is available though.
Someone told me that it would be like that workhorse in the bad connection and it is true.
As far as I have reviewed, and it may be that I have not yet studied it completely, it only opens a channel with ACINQ, that channel can be extended, even here I already have a viable solution to expand it using Phoenix and Muun only, for the poor in Cuba, remember that if you have 2 Million SAT you open a good channel in any country, in Cuba with 2 Million SAT you leave the country and do not open any channel.
But Phoenix has some fees per Tx a little high compared to other Wallets. It has had its problems receiving by routing. That is what I have found.
But it continues to be the self-custody solution par excellence for here due to the connection issue
Alguien me dijo que ser铆a es como eo caballo de batalla en la mala conexi贸n y no deja de ser cierto.
Hasta donde he revisado, y puede ser que a煤n no la haya estudiado del todo, solo abre un canal con ACINQ, ese canal se puede exoandir, incluso aqu铆 ya tengo una soluci贸n viable para expandirlo usando Phoenix y Muun solamente, para los pobres de cuba, recuerden que si tienes 2 Millones de SAT abres un buen canal en cualquier pa铆s, en Cuba con 2 Millones de SAT te vas del pa铆s y no abres ning煤n canal.
Pero Phoenix tiene unos fee por Tx un poco altos en comparaci贸n con otras Billeteras. Ha tenido sus problemas al recibir por enrutamiento. Es lo que le he encontrado.
Pero sigue siendo la soluci贸n autocustodia por excelencia para ac谩 por el tema de la conexi贸n
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @nout 17h
Yeah, as you said it creates one channel with acinq that it keeps updating (using "splicing"). The fees are currently following
Sending via Lightning0.4 % + 4 sat
Sending on-chainmining fees (user-chosen)
Receiving via Lightning0 (no fees)
Receiving via Lightning with insufficient liquidity1% + mining fees
Requesting liquidity1% + mining fees
Receiving on-chainmining fees
Channel creation1000 sat