In Spain, if you want to create your own business you need to pay a monthly fee to the Government, this fee will create a fund for your retirement or if you get sick.
If your business is making up to 670 EUR / month, you have to pay 230 EUR as a fee.
If your business is making 670 to 900 EUR / month, you have to pay 250 EUR as a fee.
If your business is making 900 to 1125 EUR / month, you have to pay 270 EUR as a fee.
If your business is making 1125 to 1300 EUR / month, you have to pay 290 EUR as a fee.
If your business is making 2030 to 2330 EUR / month, you have to pay 390 EUR as a fee.
Thats why, you will never find a freelancer on sick-leave or enjoying holidays...
How is the system in your country?
I worked in Australia and we were able to have a small business without paying any monthly feed.