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going out to buy a cheap phone today, why?
because I was sitting there last night and I realised, my entire digital life is on this phone. Wtf am I doing!!
My emails, my fiat banking, my personal notes, calendar, photos, password manager, authenticatior, health records, utilities apps, everything I need day to day
If I were to lose it, it would be an almighty stress trying to sign back in, recover etc
I started thinking, the phone's use as a voice communication device is becoming less and less, hardly anyone rings me anymore, it's all instant chat apps
Why am I risking, taking my digital world around with me in my pocket! I could accidentally leave it somewhere, drop it, lose, have it stolen, which is super common in big cities now
Now, I don't have any on chain corn on there, that's all another story and secret 🤫
but now I'm going to two phones 📱
When I'm out and about, I just need to be contactable for emergencies, on a basic handset, where if I accidentally dropped it down a drain, it wouldn't bother me
Do you agree with me? Could you re-evaluate your setup? If you lost your phone, would it be a major stress 😩
The idea of ​​having 2 phones is simply brilliant. The "main" phone protected at home and the "extra" phone for going out into the outside world. I think it's a wonderful preventive security action.
i lost my phone in a car fire last August and I got it replaced within a day.
Huge amount of stress. The phone is more me than me, in the sense that someone with full access to my phone can operate more aspects of my life than I can without access to it.
I broke my phone once and it was very stressful. Thankfully, a backup one was available at home.