A new free and open source project enabling easy utilisation of owned domains for the purpose of lightning address
haven't dug into the code yet, but it's pretty!
Can somebody explain what problem does this solve please? (Not being sarcastic)
If you own a domain - let's say domain.tld - and can run a rust app, you can host this project that allows people to get a @domain.tld lightning address
hey! it lets you use the domains you own for the purpose of lightning address (https://lightningaddress.com). So, assuming you've got cool-domain.com and would like to use it in order to receive lightning payments at my-name@cool-domain.com you could start the mentioned project and use it to set up that lightning address properly.
If you like the satspay.to domain and would like to claim btc_ln@satspay.to (for example) you can simply go to https://satspay.to/ in order to make that alias yours :) After that, all the payments that get sent to btc_ln@satspay.to will land directly in your LND/LNbits wallet. In many cases it's just easier to memorize email-like address vs passing ln invoices/qr-codes around