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Nic Carter is a Partner at Castle Island Ventures and co-founder and Chairman of Coin Metrics. In this interview, we discuss the White House bitcoin mining research paper, regulation and the role of renewables in the energy mix.

In September, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) published a study which looked into the climate impacts of bitcoin mining.
The report successfully acknowledged the differences between PoS and PoW, the contribution of bitcoin mining to grid flexibility & demand response and the potential to unlock stranded renewables, but the rest of the report offers little, if any merit.
Overall, the findings in this report were quite damning. The report relies on non-peer-reviewed and often totally flawed data from the likes of De Vries and Digiconomist and even cites the absurd 2018 Mora et al paper. As Nic says in his article, "The Mora reference is shocking. It's a bit like reading a scientific government report on the history of the moon landing and finding a reference to a conspiracy website claiming that the entire thing was faked."
With papers like this from the White House, the New York Mining Moratorium Bill and general growing disdain for Bitcoin mining, the US risks giving up its headstart. It is the country with the most to lose, and as we saw when China banned mining, Bitcoin is totally agnostic, and by banning, or overregulating, America won't hurt bitcoin, only itself. "If you ban it, you empower your enemies, like Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea. If you embrace it, you directly hurt them, and give their citizens tools to free themselves from those oppressive regimes."

00:00:00 Introduction 00:05:05 ESG waging war on Oil & Gas 00:12:37 Bitcoin mining wins; need for better data 00:18:53 Looming regulations, possible Bitcoin mining bans 00:23:37 Short-sighted salty mining critics 00:30:49 Benefits of mining overstated?; US hashrate risks 00:40:03 Role of renewables in the energy mix 00:45:11 U.S. lack of academic rigour (de Vries) 00:55:57 Further egregious citations (Mora et al) 01:02:34 Transparency; bans; what can bitcoiners do?


On BitcoinTV (Peertube / Fediverse):
The White House is Wrong about Bitcoin Mining with Nic Carter
On Mastodon / Pleroma (Fediverse), follow: @wbd@bitcointv.com
This is What Bitcoin Did episode WBD571.
Wouldn't promote someone you know is going to use their reputation to push scams later personally
Prepared for some flak on this...
I was certainly disappointed when all that stuff went down, but I've come to the opinion that Nic's pro-bitcoin work is so incredibly valuable, that the cost of ostracizing him outright is too high. When Bitcoin Nic talks, I listen. When it's the other Nic, I just tune him out.
And when he has plebs all exited about how great Bitcoin is and pulls out the "Bitcoin therefore shitcoins" and all the people who got exited about his Bitcoin work say to themselves "Well he must know what he's talking about lets try out this shitcoin" and get absolutely financially wrecked as a result, will you still feel that is work is more valuable than those people's money, time, and energy?
Couple things... First, if you invest in a shitcoin, look no further than the mirror to find someone to blame. Personal responsibility is a cornerstone of the Bitcoin ethos. Second, I honestly don't believe moonbois/noobs/fools are reading or listening to Nic. If you are far enough down the Bitcoin rabbithole to be reading and listening to Nic, refer to my first point. I also never said we can't raise all hell everytime Nic shitcoins. I only said his pro-bitcoin content is to valuable to throw the baby out with the bath water.