Very promising. I would give it a try, but I'm not sure about your traditional email/password account creation. Any chance of ln-auth? I'm interested to hear other SN opinions on this.
Hi I'm Tom, one of the co-founders. Thanks for the feedback! Yep we'll be adding that shortly. The app is built in bubble and we're just figuring out how to get ln-auth into bubble. Shouldn't be too far away
Great to hear, and thanks for the quick response! I look forward to writing some reviews.
Great concept! Some good reviews on the site too! How do you plan to ensure that the reviews are genuine and not spam?
Thanks! We're doing this in a couple of ways. We're manually assessing every review at the moment and only posting the genuine ones. On top of this, we're leaning on the sats incentive model to generate higher quality reviews. Better review = more upvotes = more sats!
Interesting. I think the Sats incentive model has great potential. You could also create a posting fee to add reviews.....makes sense to not have it at the start I suppose.
I can see that you have a fee for comments. I will write some reviews :)
Wow, the nunchuk iOS app is built using
Would you guys be interested in joining this Hackaton / Tournament?
I enrolled myself and was able to recruit a team in case you want to read a quick note on how I signed up you can read it here - #80573
The tournament is both existing projects or projects in the idea stage, the submission deadline is Nov 24.
Also here's a link to the project profile I am currently working on -
At some point, we could even do integration with you guys to show product reviews so users can go test them out.
Looks very interesting, we'll have to chat about it - thanks
I was thinking I had seen this before, but it was a similar effort by someone else.
Projects/tools they use or everyone should know they exist. #32563 [defunct]
How do you plan to manage fake reviews?
If you know Spanish the domain reads a bit like "Hey a pollo!"
(Hey look, a chicken!)
Also, cool idea, hoping for ln auth too :)
1000 sats reward for a review? do they not know that the beer tap only charges 200 sats. so thats 5 beers for one review if my math is correct. Other than that its cool concept
where do you live that beer is that cheep...hell 1000 sats/beer would be a huge improvement.
There is a lightning beer tap that consistently charges 200 sats for a beer. Its a very dangerous machine because if people get the idea that a beer is 200 sats then big things will happen
I left a review about my experience with a wallet. The process was smooth, and seems like a cool V4V platform idea! Looking forward to seeing how it develops.
Welp, took at this for 10 seconds. It’s dope fire and super lit. I humbley offer my sats as recompense
Thankyou sir!
Thank you! (I'm Julian - one of the other founders :) )
Great Initiative - incentivising individuals to post reviews is true democratisation of content on the Internet. A lot like the stacker news - except targeted for reviews. Are you guys intending to open up the reviews to non-crypto products as well?
Thanks yeah I think we will head that way eventually - but will be focusing on Bitcoin products for a while yet
I've been thinking for a while about a "TripAvisor" like app but lightning based, with a cost for publishing a review (in order to avoid dishonest or fake ones)and reward for good comments. With project like SN, Bolt.Fun this one and others, I think it's just a question of time before it arrives.
Nice - yeah someone will definitely build that. We're focusing on Bitcoin products because (right now) bitcoiners are the ones excited about earning sats. Over time that will change
Fun fact: this was sort of like my first1 startup Stuffrage which was a take on "reviews from your friends."
The chicken and egg problem was too much to overcome, so we scrapped it. But we didn't have sats! Perhaps that'll get things going.


  1. I released 2 other projects prior, but without the intent of getting much usage (ironically they got 10-100x the usage of Stuffrage)
I'm too jaded to use things like this when I know it's just a data farm.
Hello, I wrote a couple of reviews, now I have one under review. I like it a lot, the topics on which one can write as well as learn are very interesting. The information is very good to my humble understanding. I will continue writing as long as my work allows me. I hope more people join