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Insurance availability underpins the fiat debt based monetary system.
It supports the value of assets used to secure debt. Without insurance backing many assets (especially built structures) cannot be used to secure finance. Climate change makes natural disaster insurance increasingly difficult to provision as the risks to many assets increase and as the cost of insurance rises the viability of insurance reduces- people either cannot afford or do not want to pay the premiums required to cover the risk. At the same time the assets held by insurers and reinsurers as reserves to cover potentially large claims events may themselves be increasingly themselves exposed to climate change risk. The overall ability to provision insurance is eroded by increasing risk due to climate change.
As insurance becomes less and less viable a tipping point may be reached where the entire fiat debt based monetary system collapses. It certainly increases the stress levels upon it. Since neoliberalism the Wests wealth has increasingly been held in real estate- non productive speculative assets and this is also where an increasing ratio of fiat debt bank finance has been channeled - as the Wests ability to compete in productive sectors has declined.,
This makes the West especially vulnerable to the decline in the viability of natural disaster insurance.
Neoliberal~Libertarians who deny human caused climate change are pushing a narrative that makes more probable the collapse of western financial markets as climate change makes insurance unviable.
The Libertarians who on Stacker News regularly scoff at the reality of climate change will be silent in response to this post and events unfolding in California - and to the analysis that their irrational denial of climate change logically hastens the decline of western hegemony..and the rise of Communist China in its place.
My problem with climate change activists is that they focus all their attention on this big thing they can't really control, and forget to pay attention to the little things they can control.
Is it climate change that made it so that LA county didn't do enough controlled burns? Is it climate change that made their fire hydrants run out of water? Is it climate change that caused them to neglect setting up fire barriers? Is it climate change that made them have only a one-lane road in and out of the neighborhood?
And what about California's climate change policies? Did the mandate to go all-electric by 2035 do anything to prevent the wildfires?
You keep complaining about climate change and then do nothing to actually mitigate any of its effects. Great job, progressives. This one's on you.
What Libertarians hate about climate change is that if we accept that it is a threat to humanity the only logical way to respond is collectively.
Any call for individuals to altruistically make sacrifices while zero initiative or lead is taken by governments is disingenuous, illogical and will not work. The main beneficiaries of fossil fuel use and other causal agents of climate change will not logically voluntarily change their behavior.
Acknowledging Climate change is to acknowledge the role of governments in responding to it because it is not a problem free markets can fix.
You can probably find many contributing factors to the severity of the California fires but that climate change is the underlying driving force in this event and many others globally is now undeniable...except for Libertarians trapped in their own death cult loop of irrational denial.
You fail to even address the primary issue raised in my post - that the Wests highly financialised economy is extremely vulnerable to climate change due to its underlying reliance upon insurance to support the value of the property assets it is largely based upon.
If natural disaster property insurance is unavailable in Manhattan how much does that reduce the value of that real estate? It will be a substantial reduction if not a collapse- extrapolate that out to the entire economy which is now highly dependent upon real estate ~ and its underlying dependence upon insurance.
Keep complaining about not having enough ideological conformity while you do nothing to actually make things better.
Identifying and explaining the completely irrational and dangerous idiocy of the Libertarian climate change denial narrative is doing something to make things better.