seeing Bitcoin in a store of value perspective, many states could anchor their monetary policy to bitcoin, leaving the us dollar. this would mean a loss of US hegemony in the world, especially in some areas such as South and Central America. imagining this scenario, the US government should try to ban bitcoin. he does not do because he has understood that it is too late, or he is trying to manipulate and distort it to make him lose this characteristic. what could be the possibilities of the IMF and the US government?
This quote is getting timeless:
You can't ban bitcoin. You can only ban yourself from it
Just came to my mind while reading this
Didn't understand what you meant here:
or he is trying to manipulate and distort it to make him lose this characteristic.
"to make him lose this characteristic". Which characteristic of his? Also, a bit weird to talk about the US government and using "he". You probably mean Biden but still.
Bitcoin cannot be censored. If it is true that its value can still be distorted but the cost of doing so may be worse than letting it be. The most likely and it is the path that they will follow is to try to create a competition with the hope that people in general continue to believe that money is an inherent issue of the state.
без варианта... время вышло... вирус децентролизация на свободе.... все теперь знают как сделать любую сеть децентролизованной.