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Has been nearly a year sing @SN has released NWC & LNBits for sending, LND for autowithdraw, NSFW labels, & more and lot of things have definitely improved.
If you still struggling to understand what's going on, I highly suggest reading Why? SN is going noncustodial.
With this post I aim to collect all the info related to this topic. So that maybe we can incentivize cowboys, stackers and newcomers to connect their wallets and help SN become a non-custodial service everyone can enjoy, zapping P2P, straight wallet to wallet.

Here are some guides I've been writing to invite people to do so:

Other interesting guides fro SN beginners

So, read these guides and head to your setting page to connect your wallet from user menu > wallet > attach wallets.

Other relevant articles from around SN:

SN asked in Feb 24 Have you connected an external wallet on SN? I'll ask this question again and leave it open so people can respond during the coming days year... to look at the responses, you need to vote ;)
thanks for mentioning me
PSA: Don’t use the Blink option if you can.
I realise that I have to pay 10 sats as transaction fees every time I zap. I need to look into other cheaper options haha
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 4 Jan
Ouch, yea that’s a lot. Good thing you caught it early.
Thank you for this! If anyone is confused about Alby Hub connection you end up having to create two one for sending and one for receiving. I couldn't get the custom one to work right but setting two (one sending and one receiving works just fine)!
I probably missed many other contents! Please add below if you have anything else related saved in your bookmarks!
Thanks for all this great content!
Wow, thank you. I'm still trying to set mine up.