I discovered Ethereum in 2017 and was sold the dream by a few token projects that ended up being scams. I learned my lesson. What convinced me was when I learned about PoW and Bitcoin's principled approach with respect to its fixed supply and predictable monetary policy. It's the most neutral money we have and it needs to be made accessible to everyone.
For me, it was my fundamental understanding of economics which has also driven my career path to be closer to the money printer, which lead me to gold, which lead me to understanding that a gold standard is repeating the mistakes of history, doomed for another rug pull, which lead me to Bitcoin, the only thing you can use easily without a counter party, which lead me to shitcoins and after getting financially pummeled by shitcoins lead me back to Bitcoin as the only thing worthwhile.
Curious what your career path has been?
Military (USAF) through the revolving door to working for a company that has a military contract.
I wish the system didn't work like this.
It was lots of things over the years that gradually convinced me. But this article sums it up perfectly. (Written by Nic Carter before his star rose so high that I no longer see or hear from him at all anymore)
Nic Carted influenced much of my initial orange pilling, way before all that drama involving his star rising.
He writes well. Gotta appreciate the research and educating he did for dummies like me.
Andreas Antonopoulos talking in a loud cafeteria
The reading of The Bitcoin Standard
The combination of zeal and compelling intellectual content
negative yielding bond market
Like the Internet, Linux and democracy, it's made by users, for users, and not for profit.
The removal of the profit distraction, while having a different and smaller set of problems, is the great advantage of all these now near universal technologies (along with being first, and running for a considerable time among friendly collegial users).