About Foundation Devices

In a world rife with censorship, privacy violations, and historical inflation caused by reckless money printing, we’ve asked ourselves – what can we do to help guide humanity through these challenging times? As in Asimov’s Foundation trilogy – what can we do to reduce this period of chaos and more quickly usher in a new era of freedom and prosperity?
If we can lower the barrier to becoming a sovereign individual, we believe that more and more people will reclaim their sovereignty and freedom. This is not a guess; this is our conviction.
This starts with Passport, our best-in-class Bitcoin hardware wallet, and Envoy, the perfect companion app for your Passport and a zen-like Bitcoin software wallet. But over the coming months and years we’ll release a suite of hardware and software that makes it easy to become a sovereign individual.

Our Mission

Foundation builds Bitcoin-centric tools that empower you to reclaim your sovereignty.

Our Values

  • Foundation offers best-in-class security and privacy via openness. No walled gardens; no closed source engineering. We are the antithesis of existing tech companies.
  • Foundation products are beautiful, intuitive, and approachable. Bitcoin and decentralized tech already have a steep learning curve; our products do not.
  • Foundation gives sovereignty to individuals and businesses. We empower you to take ownership and control of your money and your data.
  • Foundation products reflect our optimism about the future. We are building a better Internet based on a better form of money. Our products feel positive, aspirational, and a bit sci-fi.

Where to Learn More

Contact Us

This is assembled in the USA, but where are the parts sourced from? I'm just worried about a possible supply chain attack
Hello I am from Argentina. Do you have shipments or representatives that sell the devices here somewhere in Latin America? Thank you
We do not currently have any Lat AM resellers, but we do ship worldwide direct from our factory.
Try coldcard, from the team that wrote the code foundation copied.
They made a better product. Code is copied all day every day.