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Why don't countries ever really get acquired like companies do?
I'm not talking about acquisitions by violent force (wars or invasions), but by mutual agreement. The closest thing I can think of is the EU, but that's just a collection of countries using a common currency.
This does absolutely happen via IMF/World Bank and international capital. The country gets to maintain it's "sovereignty" and independence while outside entities wholly own all their infrastructure via debt traps and restructuring efforts.
They kinda do, though. The US, for example, is a wholly own subsidiary of Israel.
I kid, I kid
You could also argue things like the Louisiana Purchase or buying Alaska were acquisitions, but most of the deals that involved the "New World" happened hundreds of years ago and then basically never changed hands again.
Why would anyone get rid of a territory that can have countless riches in minerals, water, soil and in some cases land rich in oil or simply be used as a strategic point for a mere commercial transaction? I don't believe! Yes, the United States annexed part of its territory by purchasing it from other countries, however I do not believe that the sellers got rid of these territories because it was a good commercial transaction, but rather, they were forced by geopolitical circumstances at the time.
Philippines was purchased to tune of 20 million Dollars from Spain by the US of A. Alaska was purchased from Russia by the United States of America to the tune of 5 million USD so there goes your argument when faced with facts.
They don't have owners...?
They have rulers, custodians, and corrupt influences sure, but no owners
Who wants to voluntarily give away power, the ability to live of other people's labour?
Theoretically, you can buy and sell anything. But, I think that if you do not let the people of the place make the decision, you will have a hard time enforcing the decision to sell. Everyone (state) that has a racket going wants to keep it going.
France sold a lot of the Midwest in the Louisiana Purchase to USA for only $3M! Of course it was the early 1800s and no way for France to actually use it. Possession is 9/10 the law.
Trump talked about buying Greenland from Denmark for $1B in his first term. We’ll see if he tries again!
Wasn't Alaska acquired?
There's lots of land in Australia that gets bought up by foreign companies/countries.
a country is just a bunch of people united by shared history, culture, and language, all living within arbitrary lines on a map
by mutual agreement
and who gets to decide? some fat corrupt politician who got voted in by all dumbfucks sheep voters?
i assume the decision would be made by politicians, but maybe i'm closing off my mind to other creative solutions here